News report.

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*******Tanners P.O.V********
I've tried calling her over and over agin.
She won't pick up.
"Maybe cause she's in Las Vegas she's probably roaming around with other boys!" Laughed Jake.
"that's not funny, she wouldn't do that." I said glaring at him.
"I'm going to turn on the news," I said worried,

*news report*
"Last night a fifteen year old girl was airlifted to San Diego hospital after she was surfing with friends until waves knocked her over and thrashed her face and body against Reef." Said the news reporter. I thought I saw Talulah and the girls crying in a ambulance. It was.

"SHOOT! Is that Talulah and the girls?" Said Corey.
"yep, imma call Mckenzie." I said,

"hey Mack. I saw you on the news is everything alright? OK ILL BE RIGHT THERE! It was Ali lets go!"  I said hanging up the phone.

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