Ch. 25: Bambina

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January 1965 came along, and I celebrated my 23rd birthday in Memphis with Elvis, his family, Priscilla, and my family. Elvis turned 30, and he was happy that he was celebrating it with us. This was the second time I was pregnant during my birthday, but I loved it. The baby was always kicking and moving whenever it heard music or singing.

Me and James decided that our third child would be born in the Baptist Hospital in Memphis. James's family was in Memphis, and we thought it would be nice for them to not travel this time to see the baby. Instead, my family would fly to Memphis to see the baby. Elvis approved of the idea, and even suggested that we raised our little one in Memphis! We told Elvis we wouldn't raise our little one in Memphis, but we would visit often.

On January 21st, my water broke in the morning. I woke James up, and we headed to the hospital. My Aunt Audrey watched William and Joshua; they were still fast asleep. I wanted my mother, Robert, and siblings to stay asleep. When they woke up, the little one may have already been welcomed into the world! Finally, at 7:14 a.m, me and James welcomed our baby girl into the world. We decided to name her Rita Ann-Marie Prescott. She weighed 6 pounds and 7 ounces, and was born with fine, light-brown, hair. Her resemblance to me when I was a baby was uncanny. But, she did inherit James's deep, blue eyes, which made her even more lovable.

Her full name was significant to me and James. Rita came from my godmother, Rita Hayworth. With the help of my mother, Rita helped me grow as a dancer, and I wouldn't be anywhere in my career without her. Ann was from my mother, and Marie was my middle name.

My mother and Robert came to visit about an hour after Rita was born. My mother was tearing up when she held the baby in her arms.

"Lilly, she's so pretty! I'm getting too emotional at this moment."

"Mother, why are you crying?"

"She reminds me when you were a little baby. And look at you now! You're a successful, dancer, choreographer, model, wife, and mother at the age of 23."

Robert said, "Ann, it reminds me when Susan was born. James, you finally have a little girl!"

James smiled and said, "I finally have a little princess. William and James will help protect their little sister, and I know they will do a fine job."

I laughed. "Gentlemen, Rita was just born an hour ago, and you're talking about what will happen when she comes in contact with boys? Let's focus about her growing right now."

Priscilla visited the hospital late in the afternoon, while Elvis came at night to avoid the crowd in front of Graceland. They adored Rita, especially Elvis. Priscilla imagined Rita being a dancer and following her mother's footsteps. When you become a parent, you want the best for your children. Some parents want their children to follow in their footsteps in an activity, such as dancing. But when I pictured a barely 2-year old me in the dance studio, I realized I wanted her to have a happy childhood. I felt that children should run around, enjoy freedom, and be a kid. I decided it was best to introduce children to activities so they can find what they love.

Elvis gave Rita a nickname, which I thought it would not be possible to do! It was Bambina. Everyone loved it! Now, we had two handsome sons and a beautiful, precious, daughter.

On January 27th, me and James left the hospital together with our baby girl wrapped up in her light-pink blanket. It was our first experience in Memphis, and we didn't expect a lot of people to wait for us. But when we got outside, there were at least a hundred people waiting in the cold in hope to catch a glimpse of our newborn daughter. It was the most amount of people that had gathered after the birth of one of our children. James spent 15 minutes showing off his princess while I accompanied him. The press asked us a couple of questions before we left to Graceland.

"What is your beautiful daughter's name?"

"Rita Ann-Marie Prescott."

"Will she be a dancer when she grows up?"

"I will be planning to introduce many activities to my daughter, and to her siblings. I feel like children should have a choice in what activities they're interest in. As of now, I know dance will be introduced to her when she gets older."

"Mr. Prescott, how do you feel now that you have a daughter in your household?"

"It's spectacular. My wife and I are very excited to have another girl in our house besides our loyal dog, Ruby. Our two sons now have a job, which is to protect their sister from boys."

"Did Mr. Presley visit you guys at the hospital and see the baby?"

"Of course he did. He's a close family friend."

After that, we headed straight to Graceland. We were now a happy, family of five.

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