The Hunter

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Sage has dreamed of meeting her mate ever since she first shifted on her sixteenth birthday. The thought of someone loving her just as much as she would love them always made her stomach flip. But that dream is ripped away from her one frightful night when she meets her mate, just to see him kill her best friend and knock her brother unconscious. Her mate was a Hunter and despite her wolf’s urges, she wants to hurt him and see him suffer for harming her family and pack. But that is just the beginning of things and Sage is sure to expect a lot more trouble.

'With a ferocious snarl I raced forward and lunged, my body collided with his and my teeth clamped around his arm, gripping it tight.

But that was when I felt it, instead of it being a wave of tingles like my mother had explained it to be, it felt more like my heart had shattered within me. My eyes flickered up to meet the Hunter’s and all I saw was hatred burning within them. It shattered me even more, felt as if my heart was falling in a dark pit and that there was no way out.

The Hunter who had killed by best friend was my mate.'


Warning: this story contains violence and swearing.


This story is not set in the same universe as 'The Girl who walked among Wolves'. Yes they're on earth, but stuff that was in that story is not in this one. So don't expect to see any Melody's or Jason's. This werewolf story is different from 'The Girl who walked among Wolves' so I'll provide a little bit of information.

1.     A werewolf's first shift is on their sixteenth birthday, although it can start a few days before or after birthday.

2.     A werewolf can detect its mate after they’ve turned eighteen. That is when the wolf matures.

3.     It is impossible for a wolf to be mated to a human, they need to have werewolf lineage.

4.     Silver is one of the only things that can kill a werewolf. On the skin it causes it to blister and burn, but in the bloodstream it causes serious pain as it travels across the body. Once it reached the heart it will kill the wolf.

5.  Wolfsbane blocks the wolf from the human, stopping them from shifting or contacting others. Wolfsbane can kill the wolf if too much is injected, it is also used in medicine. Wolfsbane is stronger than silver and can flush it out of  werewolf's system.

6.     Werewolf’s grow no larger than the size of a grizzly bear, most are about the size of a lion, the smallest is about the size of a leopard.


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