Chapter 2 - You need to work on your aim!

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Chapter Two - Sage's POV

Thursday - 21st March

A quiet growl rumbled through my chest as I felt some someone poking my side continuously, at first I thought it was my imagination and I ignored it, but now I definitely knew someone was trying to wake me.

"I know you're awake Sage." I hear my best friend giggle, the mattress sinking underneath Bethany's weight.

I growled again, burying my face into my pillow. "No I'm not." I muttered into the pillow, my voice slightly muffled.

"Sure." She drawled sarcastically.

Suddenly I felt my covers being ripped off me and I was exposed to the cold air. My eyes snapped open and I sat up, punching her in the shoulder. She yelped and jumped off the bed, rubbing her shoulder. "You had to punch me didn't you?" She snapped, slapping my leg.

I yawned and nodded my head. "Be thankful I didn't punch you in the nose." I told her, running my fingers through my black hair.

"Who did you punch in the nose?" She asked instantly. She knew me too well.


"You punched your brother in the face?"

"He woke me, I punched him. Simple as that." I muttered, rubbing my eyes. "Now enough about me punching people, why the hell did you wake me? It's the middle of the night!" I snapped, glaring at her.

A sneaky grin spread across Bethany's lips and I regretted asking when she grabbed my hand and pulled. Nearly making me fall face first onto the floor. I growled at her, snatching my hand out of her grip and rising to stand.

"Come on." Bethany says, grabbing my hand again and tugging me along. This time I let her do so and I follow her.

Bethany had always been that bright and bubbly girl, always looking on the bright side of everything. She was strong, and the suffering she had gone through these last two years proved that. Bethany had been one of the lucky ones to find her mate the day she turned eighteen; but sadly he had been killed by a Hunter. I knew it broke her, and I had heard how much it hurt for a wolf to lose their other half. I had even heard of some cases were the wolf turned completely savage or when the person would kill themselves. But Bethany held on, and she fought against all the pain. I could easily see it in her eyes how much she was hurting, but she was a fighter and that is why I loved her.

As she pulled me up the stairs I quickly realised where we were going and I scowled. "You woke me so we could go on the roof?" I asked, but I sped up nonetheless so I was walking beside Bethany instead of behind her.

"It's a clear night, not a single cloud in the sky." She tells me as we reach the attic. She finally releases my hand and jogs forward, reaching for the lock and pulling open the hatch. A ladder came down and Bethany climbed up it and through the gap.

I followed her quickly after, sighing as I felt the wind whirl around my body. I watched as Bethany moved along the roof, slipping every so often, but that is due to the tiles that make up the roof. It was quite easy to fall, but we were werewolves and we knew how to keep our balance.

Bethany ends up sitting down, staring up at me with her blue eyes. She doesn't say anything, only smiles and leans back until she is lying down on the tiles. Her gaze fixated on the moon above us, she was basking in the moonlight. When we basked we became mentally closer to the Moon Goddess, she was the 'mother' of our - she determined everyone's fate, whether it be good or bad.

Basking didn't only bring us closer to the Moon Goddess, it also strengthened our wolves. They were creatures of the night, so it was natural for us to seek the moon when weakened. Whenever it was a full moon our whole pack would bask out in the moonlight, it brought us all closer to one another and it strengthened the whole pack.

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