Part Five

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It felt like it had started all over again. This feeling. This friendship thing. It was... euphoria. To have someone there for you when you need them? It's amazing. I think everyone should cherish their friends, even if that was something I didn't do. Something I never did with Felix. I didn't cherish his presence enough. It wasn't enough because I didn't trust him after he left. And even after that feeling of betrayal, I never really talked to him, which made matters worse. That doesn't matter now though. I'm starting again. And I won't regret my actions.

"Cry," Said a voice. "Are you alright?" I looked up. Jaston was busy reading a book. I guess I had fallen asleep. I looked around and saw that I was face-down on a desk. In a library.

"Yeah, I'm alright, thanks." I groaned, rubbing the back of my head. Jaston was reading a collection of Edgar Allen Poe stories. He was quite the reader. He never left his house without a book. I guess that was a flaw but still a good thing about Jaston. He had vast knowledge and could quote just about anything yet, he was way too interested in books. I just don't know, actually. He's smart, at least. He can figure out what to do by himself, is what I thought.

"You were mumbling something in your sleep, you know? Something about someone named Felix?" Jaston's voice faded at the word Felix. Crap. Did I really say that? But why did Jaston look so... awed?

"Is it Felix the Youtuber? PewDiePie?" Jaston beamed. His smile was as radiant as ever. I chuckled and nodded at him. He just couldn't take the grin off his face at that time, his hands gripping tightly at his library book.

"When you said you're a Youtuber, I never really wondered if you knew famous people!" Jaston laughed. "I don't really watch a lot of Felix's videos so I wouldn't know, really."

"Well, now you know." I smiled but it soon faded quickly. What would he think of me if I told him why I was mumbling about Felix? He'd just--

"I think we should go now," Jaston said, interrupting my thoughts. "I have some work to do. You probably should go prep up some YouTube video!" He chortled. I didn't laugh, though.

"Yeah, let's go." I agreed and we walked out the library. Jaston and I both felt the cold breeze rush past us as we exited the warmth of the library. I shivered. Fall was really getting to me. I hated feeling cold. Then I felt an arm around my shoulder. To my right was a smiling Jaston with his arm slung over my shoulders. Honestly, it didn't make a difference to how cold I felt but I knew that he felt that he was doing something. I looked down at the ground.

"Thanks, Jaston. And thanks for being my friend." I mumbled quietly, just hoping he didn't hear.


I woke up to my phone ringing. I opened my eyes slowly, hoping that it wasn't too bright outside. It wasn't. The sun wasn't even completely over the horizon so it cast a pinkish hue in my room. I looked over to my phone. It was Felix again. I ignored it like always. How long had it been though? Since I last talked to him? Since I was betrayed? A whole month. It felt like no time at all had passed yet an ache in my heart told me I longed for his calls, the messages, his failing attempts to contact me... And I ignored every single attempt, kept to myself, and drowned in the misery of losing a friend, feebly trying to replace him. The replacement happened faster than I expected. Honestly, I never expected one. With the way I treated Felix, how would anyone bother to talk to me? Life was unfair this way but you just got to live it, I suppose. it's the only life you got.

"Hello?" I picked up the phone and mustered all the courage I could into that one word. That was it. After a whole month of missed calls, this was it.

"Oh my god... Cry?! You don't know how long I've been trying to reach you! It's been, like--"

"A month." Was all I said. "I-It's been a month."

"Uh... Yeah," Felix was confused. I didn't know what to do, other than show that I was mad.

"I'm sorry, Cry, for what I did. It was cruel of me to just leave out of the blue like that. I promise it won't happen again when I come back--"

"Come back? What do you mean come back?" I felt my body go numb.

"I'm coming back, Cry. Don't worry. I'll be your best friend again!" And he hung up. The numbness was overwhelming and I slumped back in bed. He's coming back? I'm still mad at him, right? Right? No, wrong. I wasn't mad at all. I always wanted him to come back to me. My heart always wanted that. I just never showed it. But Felix.... wanted to be my friend again. But don't I already have a friend? Jaston? What will I do? I can obviously have more than one friend but... Jaston was solely a replacement for Felix. I could dispose of him now that Felix is back, right? No. I couldn't do that. Why? That's not fair to Jaston. After all the times we've spent together, only to tell him that he was a replacement?

Why is life so complicated?


[A/N: Please tell me what you think? I'm aware of any possible grammatical/spelling mistakes there may be lol]

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