Part Four

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I laid awake under the cover creases, staring at my ceiling. I felt abandoned. Felix hadn't replied yet. I wondered what happened. All the worst scenarios replayed in my head. I don't know why I felt this way. This alien feeling... Felix was the only friend I had. My mind began to haze. I was falling asleep. I really needed it. I shifted over to the side, glancing over to my side clock. 2am. I glanced at the ceiling once again. My eyes suddenly felt heavy and I was taken into a deep slumber.


I was awakened to the noise of curt buzzing sounds from beside me. I sighed and opened my eyelids slightly. Sunlight caved in. I hissed and lifted my blanket over my head to avert the light. The buzzing sound still continued. Out of curiousity, I glimpsed over to my bedstand. My phone lit up several times, displaying various messages from the same person: Felix. My hand came out from the covers and rapidly retrieved my phone. The time was 6:32am. I squinted and unlocked my phone. Over than 20 messages from Felix. My mouth gaped. I tapped on his messages.

 FELIX: Cry, don't be upset but I've left for good. I needed to sort some things out...

FELIX: I swear, I would've told you about it but I just didn't have time...

FELIX: You can't be mad at me forever, Cry... Please respond.

There were more messages explaining that he had left. I felt the steamy tears blur my vision and roll down my cheeks. He's gone. I don't know why I was crying. Why did I feel so upset? A new-found feeling began to bubble up in my chest. This was not how I planned our friendship. Friendship is supposed to be when people tell each other their whereabouts and what's going on in their lives. Felix could only get one of these things right. Could I really trust him? I've never thought about such negative things in my life. I felt selfish. I only thought about myself and the benefits that friends brought me - I realized that. I got up from my bed and looked at myself in the mirror. My familiar eyes stared back at me. I made a face. I shouldn't be feeling this way. It's not my fault.

It's Felix's fault.

He's the one who left me.


I carried on with my daily life. A week went by from the time Felix texted me about his whereabouts. I didn't bother to text him back. In fact, when Felix even bothered to call me, I never answered. I left my phone to ring and buzz until the tone died out. I was certain I could lead a new life. A new life with new friends. Of course, I felt that no one could replace Felix but I was wrong. All it took was another trip to the cafe.

I found myself strolling to the cafe one calm Saturday morning. The sun cast a beautiful color on everything. I'd treat myself to a nice cup of hot chocolate and read Moby Dick, the book I carried under my arm. I walked in and ordered. I sat down on a chair, staring out the same window that Felix looked out of when we were here the first time we met in person. I sighed and opened my book to the first page.

"Is that Moby Dick? I love that book!" A voice said from beside me. I glanced up in shock to see a guy staring down at me then at the book I was reading. His vivid brown eyes twinkled at the sight of the book. He held a mug of strong-smeling coffee in his hand and wore a simple dark green turle neck and black jeans. 

"Yeah," I mumbled, looking down at the book as well, "I'm reading it for the third time." 

"It's a very interesting read. Simply an amazing work of art" It was almost like the guy took no heed in me; only the book.

"Well, my name is Cry." I held out my hand politely.

"I'm Jaston, nice to meet you." Jaston beamed with a soft smile on his face. He ruffled his wavy brown hair and looked out the window, quoting the first line of Moby Dick word for word as I stared at him in awe.

"Call me Ishmael. Some years ago- never mind how long precisely- having little or no money in my purse, and nothing particular to interest me on shore, I thought I would sail about a litte and see the watery part of the world..."

At this precise moment, my body was teeming with respect for Jaston. A tender person who liked to read. I knew we'd become great friends. Jaston was simple. He seemed nice enough. A good replacement for Felix.

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