Chapter 2

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The first few days were tough for Karina and Harry. On top of not quite being sure how to care for a baby, she took it upon herself in arranging James and Lily's funerals. Unfortunately, there wasn't any family on either side that could attend the funeral, apart from Petunia and her family, although Vernon strictly told Karina that they would not go to such an event, Petunia had no dead sister, and that they had no idea who Karina was and that she needed to stay out of their lives.
Karina however, did invite who she could from the Order, as well as all the Weasleys. They were going to hold it at Karina's house, then apparate to Godric's Hollow for the burial.

If Karina hadn't had Remus to help her, she would have quite possibly burst into flames. She'd caught him changing back, just outside of her back fence, and she brought him in the house, filling him in on what had happened over cups of tea and a warm fire, while Harry played with some blocks that Karina had brought from Godric's Hollow. And at the moment, Karina couldn't tell who was talking care of who. She burst into tears halfway through and Remus wrapped his arm around her, comforting her.

"Rina, its going to be okay." He shushed her, holding her close.

"Remus, they're dead!" She sobbed. "How is it going to be okay when James, Lily, and Peter are all dead and Sirius is in Azkaban?" He shrugged helplessly.

"I don't know. But, you should at least try to look at the bright side of things. You, Harry, and I are all still here. Voldemort didn't get us. Harry didn't have to go and grow up with Muggles. We'll be alright." She sniffed, and nodded.

"Yeah, I suppose you're right. After all, it could be worse." That was when Harry came toddling over and fell against Karina and Remus's knees.

'"Mama?" He said, cocking his head, confused why they were so sad. "Dada?" Karina smiled and shook her head, lifting Harry in between them.

"No, sweet Harry." She whispered. "I may try, but I can never replace your Mummy. Try, Aunt Karina."

"Reeee-nuh?" Harry drew out, making them laugh, then making him laugh. "Mama!"

"Well, I'm not Daddy." Remus told him. "I'm Uncle Moony. Give that a go."

"Unca Moo-ey?" Harry repeated, making them laugh again. "Moo-ey! Moo-ey!" Then he looked around, and looked back at the two. "Pafoo?" Karina's laughter petered out. "Paddy pafoo!" Harry squealed happily. Karina just hugged him and Remus closer.

"Padfoot's gone, Harry." She whispered. "Its just us, now." Remus hugged her tightly, listening as the fire crackled.


Soon, the funeral came.

The guests arrived at two o' clock, and Karina greeted them at the door. Well, Karina and Harry, who was dressed in a little tuxedo wunsie that Karina had planned to give him on his second birthday.

"Molly! There you are!" She exclaimed, running to her red haired, child surrounded friend. "Oh, its been too long!" Molly hugged her back.

"Its good to see you, dear!" Then she gestured behind her to where Arthur held a small one year old boy in his arms and was watching two three year olds run around him while a five and eight year old bickered. The oldest at ten years old appeared to be trying to look adult.
"My goodness!" Karina exclaimed. "Are these those pudgy little Weasley babies? These tall, gangly things?" Molly laughed, before tousling the two closest to her's hair.

"Of course! This ones Bill, and this is Charlie. There's Percy, Fred, George, and that there's little Ron!" She pointed to each child as she named them. Karina smiled at them.

"Bill, Charlie, and Percy. I haven't seen the three of you since you were this small!" She held her hand about a foot over the ground. "And now look at you! You're going to outgrow your mum you are! And you two," she turned to the twins, Fred and George. "I haven't seen you two since you were Ron's size! Just two little pudgy babies! Course," she looked around, then leaned in to whisper loudly to George. "Fred was a bit pudgier." Fred pouted, but George laughed at his brother as Karina moved on to the final Weasley boy. "And I haven't even met you! Arthur, let me at him!" Arthur obligingly handed over Ron to Karina, who smothered his cheeks in kisses, making him giggle. Then she looked back at Arthur and held out her other arm. "Now come here, Muggle-lover! I haven't hugged you yet!" Arthur chuckled, but went in for the hug, just as Harry ran across the lawn, passing them.

"Oh, Karina!" Molly laughed as Harry made a break for it. Karina gave Ron back to Arthur hurriedly.

"Remus! You were supposed to keep an eye on him!" Karina called, racing after Harry before he hit the street, just as Mad-Eye Moody apparated in front of him and scooped him up into his arms.

"Now where do you think you're heading, squirt?" He teased in his gruff voice, making Harry giggle. Karina ran over and took Harry from him, sighing with relief.

"Thank you so much, Alastor!" She told him. Mad-Eye shrugged.

"Hey, can't let the little blighter get hit by something. Not quite the suburban neighborhood out here, Potter." She gave him a look.

"Suburbs make my skin crawl! Out here, you can breathe and practice magic without care! And if a Muggle comes by, they think that they've been driving too long to worry about it!" Mad-Eye shook his head, but followed everyone back into the house, where they all sat in the living room and ate the hor deveurs that Karina had laid out and were chatting with each other. She thought it the perfect time to say what needed to be said, so she tapped on a glass to get everyone's attention.

"Excuse me, everyone?" Everyone silenced down, and she caught eyes with Professor Dumbledore, who smiled at her encouragingly. He and Professor McGonagall had taken an emergency leave for the day to come to the funeral.
Karina cleared her throat. "I, suppose you know why we're gathered here today, on this sad occasion. Because, three of our dear friends, have been struck down by Lord Voldemort, and one has supposedly betrayed us for him.

"James, Lily, and Peter were three of my dearest friends, James being my brother. He sacrificed himself to save Lily and Harry, by facing Voldemort wand less. And Lily died to protect Harry, who somehow managed to get rid of Lord Voldemort once and for all. And Peter, dear, sweet, timid little Peter, was murdered. I know, that it was said that Sirius Black had betrayed us, and killed him along with a load of Muggles, but for the sake of the funeral, I will not, go into it." She sniffed, wiping away a tear. "We shall never forget, what they have done for us." She raised her glass. "To James, Lily, and Peter." And Sirius she thought to herself.

Everyone raised their glass along with her.

"To our friends." Was repeated, and everyone drank.

"To the Potters, and Peter." Remus said, before taking his drink.

"And to the Longbottoms." Mad-Eye called. "For they were struck down two nights ago. A Death Eater called Bellatrix Lestrange tortured them, and they are now in St. Mungo's. They leave behind their own son, Neville, and a legacy that shall never be forgotten." They all raised their glasses a second time.

"To the Longbottoms." Then they called it a night.

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