Chapter 3

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As the days went by, Karina had managed to keep the news of Harry apparently defeating the Dark Lord hushed up, saying that he must have gone into hiding of some sort. The Order helped her, and she was able to balance keeping her job as an Auror while raising Harry. With a little help from Remus, who was unable to get a job with werewolf hours and would babysit Harry when Karina needed him to.

"Hey, Rina, its me." Remus called, coming into the house nearly a month after the funeral. "Full moon's coming soon, and I got a letter from Dumbledore about this thing called a Wolfsbane Potion that could help me control myself more during the week. I was hoping I could hang around here while I used it..." Then he noticed her putting a coat on Harry. "What are you doing?"

"I'm going to see Mrs. Longbottom." She told him. "Frank Longbottom's mother? She's planning on taking in her grandson, Neville, I thought that I would go and see her. Make sure she's doing okay. That's okay, isn't it?" Remus nodded.

"Of course it is. You go ahead, I'll just stick around here for a little while, if that's alright." She nodded, picking up Harry and throwing the diaper bag over her shoulder.

"Well of course it is. You know where you are and aren't allowed." Then she Apparated away to the Longbottom house and knocked on the front door. "Mrs. Longbottom? Its me, Karina Potter? I went to school and worked with Frank and Alice, if you recall." Then a grisly old woman appeared at the door, a crying one year old behind her. She pointed a gnarled finger at Karina.

"You! Don't you be bringing another one around here!" She scolded, pointing at Harry. "I've had enough of just my own grandson here! I don't need the Potters' kid here too!" Karina furrowed her eyebrows.

"Mrs. Longbottom, you should know that I am taking care of Harry. I merely came over to see how you and Neville were doing." Mrs. Longbottom's face went soft, then she burst into tears! "Oh, no!" Karina quickly hurried into the house and shut the door behind her, then hurriedly handed Neville and Harry some building blocks that were on the coffee table to hush them up, then sat down with Mrs. Longbottom. "Poor dear, what's the trouble?" The older woman snivelled.

"Oh, I'm just an old woman going through a rough patch." She said. "I mean, I've been left with my grandson while my son and daughter-in-law can't remember who they are, or anything else, and its been difficult coping..." Mrs. Longbottom began to cry again, and Karina patted her back.

"Oh, dear, its alright!"

"How can you say that?" She asked. "You must have it worse! Your brother, sister-in-law, murdered by You-Know-Who in one night, then he vanishes off, leaving you with questioning press! And of course, your fiancé murdering one of your best friends and being taken to Azkaban, leaving you with the baby! You must be going through harder times than anyone, dear!" Karina nodded, listening to the old woman's words.

"I know. This is a tough time for me. There isn't a day that goes by when I don't wish that I could see James, Lily, and Peter. And there isn't a day that goes by when I don't wish Sirius wasn't a Death Eater." Which he isn't. She thought to herself. "But, I keep going. I see James and Lily in Harry every day, and I know that everything is okay. And Remus always comes down to visit us, to make sure we're all right. I've got a roof over my head, food on my plate, and my beautiful nephew to watch over." Mrs. Longbottom stared at her in wonder, then sighed.

"You're a very extraordinary woman, Potter. I almost want to give you Neville to take care of. You'd do it so much better." Karina smiled.

"I'd love to take in Neville, but I think you should give it a go. Look for Frank and Alice in him, and enjoy having your grandson around while he's still young. And, if you think you can't handle him, if you think "Good God, if I have to listen to this child babbling any longer, I will scream", then send him my way. We have plenty of space, and I think Harry would love to have a brother." Mrs. Longbottom looked to her grandson and Harry playing together, and smiled, then nodded.

"Alright. I'll give it a go." She told Karina, who patted her back.

"Atta girl."


The two talked for another hour or two, until both boys became bored with each other and started poking at them, trying to get their attention. Karina and Mrs. Longbottom laughed, then Karina picked up Harry and her wand.

"Well, we'd better get going. I left Remus back at the house and he'll start to wonder what happened to us and get all worried." Mrs. Longbottom smiled.

"That Lupin is so protective of you, its adorable!" Karina blushed.

"Well, he's like an older brother to me. He always has been." Mrs. Longbottom raised an eyebrow.

"Just an older brother?" Karina's cheeks turned even more red before she Apparated back home, where she found Remus sitting in a chair, reading. But when he saw Karina and Harry, he stood up at once.

"Karina? Why are your cheeks so red?" She shook her head, handing him Harry.

"Nothing. Don't worry about it. I just need to go cool off." Then she hurried to the bathroom, where she splashed her face with water in the sink. Just an older brother indeed!

Karina Potter, Aunt MarauderWhere stories live. Discover now