Chapter 17

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It wasn't easy getting her reputation back. Moody made it obvious that he wasn't going to take her back into the court, after refusing to take her in for three cases in which she was involved. She didn't get mad, however. She kept her cool, determined to make herself a vision of an Auror for Harry.

The days went by, and Molly was getting larger everyday. The baby was going to be born any day now, and Karina didn't want to put pressure on her until the baby was born and a little older, so she stopped sending Harry there. Remus was working again, trying to find another job in time for the next full moon, so he wasn't an option anymore. So, Harry spent many of his days at the Auror office. The office was mostly a large room with a few cubicles, but Karina kept Harry in her's, learning to keep a few toys in her desk drawer and to keep the wand out of his reach. If she had to go out, Harry stayed with Emily Eneadle in the cubicle next door. She mostly did paperwork, so there was hardly ever a moment in which she wasn't able come over and watch Harry for an hour or two.

But of course, one of those moments did come. According to Aurors in the field, a large band of Death Eaters had taken them down and were heading for Hogwarts through the Forbidden Forest. Every Auror that was in the office that day was supposed to go out, which meant, once again, Harry had to go along on a mission.

"Karina, this is madness." Shacklebolt told her as she picked up Harry and put him in a baby carrier on her back. He was a bit of a skinny toddler, despite eating like he hadn't eaten in years all the time, so he fit in the carrier just fine.

"I don't have a choice, Kingsley." She told him, before Apparating away with the other Aurors, finding herself just outside of the the Forbidden Forest. She wouldn't have been able to Apparate in the forest, as it was on Hogwarts ground.

"Stay quiet, Harry." She whispered, putting a Silencing Charm over him just in case. You couldn't trust a two year old to stay quiet for more than a second.

She swiftly made her way through the Forest, her wand drawn and the corner of her eye on Harry. Some Aurors used the charge through and scare the criminals tactic. She preferred the taking them by surprise tactic.

As she neared the school, knowing the Forest like the back of her hand from her days at Hogwarts, she heard voices of Death Eaters, and knew she was close. She climbed into a tree, knowing it to be quieter, and kept moving. She wished she could have transformed into her Animagus form to move quicker and quieter, but she couldn't do it with Harry around. He would crush her fox back, and she couldn't just leave him behind somewhere in the middle of the Forbidden Forest.

She soon came upon the band of Death Eaters, and there were quite a few. There was no way she could have taken them on by herself, especially with Harry attached to her back. There were too many, so she hid behind a tree, watching them.

"Are you sure that the Aurors aren't here?" One asked another.

"Of course not!" Said the one he was speaking to. "None can Apparate here, and none of them are quick enough to get here."

"That's what you think." Karina thought to herself, before looking around one more time. If no one else showed up, she was going in there and stopping them herself!

"Incarcerous!" She gasped as ropes wrapped around her and Harry, dropping her wand. They must have seen her! "What have we here?" She felt herself and Harry be lifted from the ground and dragged out into the open.

Karina Potter, Aunt MarauderWhere stories live. Discover now