Chapter 13

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Karina came in carrying Harry on her shoulders, both of them cheering loudly.

"Wimbourne Wasps! Wimbourne Wasps! Wimbourne Wasps!" They cheered.

"Whoo!" Karina called, lifting Harry off of her shoulder and setting him on the floor. "Did you have a good time, Hairy Harry?" Harry nodded, jumping up and down.

"We won! We won! We won!" Karina chuckled, just as Remus came into the room.

"Hey, I heard you guys come in! Karina, I got the cake in and out of the oven while you were gone." Karina's eyes went wide.

"Oh, thank you, Remus! I was going to do it when we got home, but you've just saved me twenty minutes!"

"Moony! Moony! Moony!" Harry shouted, trying to get Remus's attention. "We won! We won! We won!" Remus smiled down at Harry.

"Did you now? That's wonderful, Harry!" Harry jumped and down, happy that he finally had Remus's attention.

"I saw the Snitch! And Momma said a bad word! And we met the Seeker!" Remus's eyes went wide as he listened to Harry, Karina looking around.

"Is anyone else here, Remus?" She asked. "I told them to start coming around two. I didn't think we'd been gone for very long."

"Yeah, Molly sent an owl saying she'd be here in a bit, she's just struggling to get Ron dressed. Arthur should have just gotten off work." Then there wasn't much time to waste!

"Remus, I bought a bag of potato crisps and other little snacks. If you could set those out in some bowls, that'd be wonderful!" She told him, using her wand to clean up, though she was inviting a bunch of one and two year olds over to her house. She wanted the house to start looking presentable. "We also need to remove any and all traces of magic!"

"Why do we need to do that?" Remus asked, picking up Karina and Harry's brooms from the floor and putting them away in the closet under the stairs.

"Because I've invited the Grangers, and they're Muggles." She told him, quickly taking James's Quidditch robes off of Harry and stuffing them away underneath the couch. "And if they see anything that can relate to magic, then I am the one getting in trouble!"

"Won't everyone else be apparating here?" He asked, and she nodded.

"Yes, that's why I told them to come an hour after everyone else. That should give me enough time to make sure everyone is unmagicked and ready to appear Muggle!" That was when a knock came at the door, and Karina quickly tapped Harry on the head with her wand to dress him in a a blue and white striped shirt and some overall shorts with little play shoes, and opened the door to the Weasleys.

"Hello, Karina!" Molly said happily, holding Ron's hand. Karina smiled, until she saw Percy holding a copy of Beedle The Bard's.

"Oh, no no no no!" She said, hurriedly pulling the Weasleys in and taking the book away. "Sorry, Percy, but I've invited some Muggle friends of mine, and we can't have anything looking magical around here!" Percy crossed his arms crossly.

"Sorry." He told her, sounding very unsorry. She smiled.

"I do have some copies of Muggle stories upstairs in Harry's room if you'd like to read those instead." Molly patted Percy's back.

Karina Potter, Aunt MarauderWhere stories live. Discover now