The Videos

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"Jena thanks so much!" I say as we put the final big bag of snow into the cart.

"It's no bother, my boss will be delighted cause nobody even buys that stuff!" Jena says laughing.

"So how much would that be?!" I ask worrying about the price because we have so much fake snow in there it could be 100s of dollars.

"It's would be $176.54 please!" Jena says.

"Here and keep the change!" I say giving her $200 because she was the nicest Walmart employee we've ever come across.

"So dude, what do you need large amounts of now?" I ask laughing.

"Cardboard boxes! With these we don't need to fill the trampoline, did you see Roman Atwood and the Dudesons jumping into the cardboard boxes! We're doing that," Corey says smiling.

"Oh so that's why there's a load of flattened cardboard boxes in our cart, I thought we were gonna pun the snow in them!" I say feeling stupid and Jena and Corey laugh.

"I'll take these out the car, Corey pass the keys!"

So Corey passes to keys and I catch them nicely and bring the cart out to Corey's car. I fill up the trunk with the flattened cardboard boxes first and then I put all the fake snow in. Just as I finish Corey comes out with a huge smile on his face.

"You didn't just get the boxes did you?" I say smirking.

"Nope," Corey smirks back and me, "I got the girl as well!" He says going into a big smile and I give him a bro hug.

I pull out my camera.

"So guys we've got the supplies for both our videos but you only know what mines going to be, your going to have to go over to the Funk bros channel to figure out what there doing. It's going to be awesome dude."

"It really is so make sure ye go over and watch it now!!!" Corey says into the camera.

I put away my camera and throw the keys to Corey, he also catches them and we both get into the car.

When we get home Capron still is not awake and it is 1:30pm. So Corey and I are just going to fill up the trampoline with the fake snow ourselves. So Corey gets a big bucket and we put the fake snow ingredient and water into and make the fake snow and dunk it in trampoline. Now only like 100 more to go.

By the end of filling the trampoline Corey and I were exhausted. Midway through Capron got up but we told him he couldn't come outside until we were finished even though we could of used the help. The trampoline looked sick though. It was roughly 3/4 of the way full. So as usual I pull out my camera and start to film.

"So guys, this is what the trampoline looks like from ground level and.." I stop recording and run upstairs onto the balcony with Corey behind me and then I press record again and say," this is what it looks like from a height! This is going to be sick!"

"Yo Capron, come here!" Corey roars and soon he appears by the balcony doors.

"What?!" He asks.

"Look!" I say.

So I move out of  the way and let Capron take my place.

"No way!!! You filled it with snow!! Dude what the hell your the best!!" Capron says hugging me.

"And guess what?!" Corey says smiling.

"What?!" Capron says smiling his widest smile.

"I got the cardboard boxes for our video!! Cause I knew how much you wanted to do it!"

"Dudeee!" Capron says and then hugs Corey as well.

"Well come on let's get my video going." I say. So we set up my iPhone for slow motion and we set up both Corey's camera and my camera at different angles. I also keep my g7x for vlogging.

"You do the honours!" Corey says.

So I get up on the banister and jump! I was free falling for about a second and then the snow cushions my landing softly.

"That's awesome!!" I say popping my head out of the mountain of snow.

"My go!" Capron says and dives over the banister and front flips.

As he finds his way to the top of the show he says,"Broo!!"

When Capron gets out Corey dives over the banister to and bellyflops into the snow. A few seconds later he pops his head out of the snow and says,"D..d...don'!"

Capron and I laugh and both get into the trampoline. We do a few tricks on the trampoline and try new things in the snow filled tramp.  We filmed for a good hour until eventually the snow went all weird.

So Capron Corey and I went to get black bin bags and piled the snow inside them and threw them away.

"We will film our video later cause I'm too tired right now!" Corey says.

"Same!" Capron agrees.

"Thanks guys!" I say.

"No bother!" Capron as Corey say.

I leave them and go into the bedroom they were letting me stay in for the week. I check my phone and see I got a text from Quentin.

Q: Hey dude!
T: Hey bro! When you flying out?!
Q: In an hour. Are you picking me up or what?
T: Yeah! See you then dude

I start to edit my video and before I know it, it's time to collect Quentin. Corey wants to come so I bring him too.

931 words ;) new chapter coming soon! Hope yere enjoying it
-it ain't my fault

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