Up For It

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So Corey and I put the video in the group chat and everyone loves the idea and honestly they all think it could be manageable price wise.

We put who'd be in which apartment and they all seemed to agree on there roommates as well which was great.

"So, my uncles owns a building company...I'll give him a ring there and see what he can do and see if he could give me an estimate on what the price would be!" Corey says.

"Yeah dude! I gotta ring my mom anyway," I say and laugh. Corey then gets up and goes outside and rings his uncle.

-phone call-
M- hey, what's up?
T- nothing really.
M- did Capron and Corey like there presents?
M-so you've 3 days left yeah?!
M- so I'll see you then, scooters is hopping busy so bye t
T-bye mom!

"So what did you uncle say?" I ask Corey.

"He said it would be around $10,10,800!" Corey says.

"Alright divide that by how many of us are there!" I say.

"That's 9 because Capron, Quentin, Jeremy, Jordan, Tanner, Jake, Dylan, you and I," Corey says.

"Leave me pull out my calculator there!" I say laughing.

So I do the sum on my calculator and that would mean we would all have to give around 1,122,311.

"That would be 1,122,311 each! So for you brothers ye would have to give double so, you would have to give 2,244,622!" I say.

"We'll manage!" Corey says and sends the details into the group.

Once again everyone says with a bit of extra work they'll eventually able to build this dream house of theirs.

"Ok, wanna head home? I'm exhausted," I say.

"Yeah same!" Corey says. So Corey and I head home.


-Next morning-

I wake up to my phone ringing. It's Dylan.

-phone call-

D-yo! I've something that might make you happy!
D-well my uncle said he could do the building for the apartments which would make it 2 million cheaper!
T-broo!! Tell him yes! We will find a spot and buy the spot and then we will start!! And it's gonna be as soon as possible!
D- yes! that'll be dope! See you seen bro.
T-yeah! Byeee

I get out of bed and get dressed. I go on my phone and go onto Instagram. I go into my notifications. I see lots and lots of comments saying "congrats" or "well done." I go into my profile and realise I have 1 million Instagram followers.

I here a knock on the door so I get up and open it. It was balloons and there was a big one on one of them. There was no sign of the person that delivered them. I realise there was a card on one of the strings. It read

Dear Tanner,
Congrats on 1 million on Instagram! From
K-prin and Cor-E

I then realise Caprons car is not in the drive. I go outside to the trampoline to wake myself up. I pick up my camera and start recording.

"Hey what's up guys! So I have today and tomorrow left with the funks and then I'm going back to Kansas with Quentin! I have an idea for today but I have to see if Capron and Corey are down with it first!" I say then put down my camera and Capron drives in.

"Hey Bro!" Capron says.

"Where were you?" I ask.

"Some business meeting, nothing fun," Capron says shrugging.

"Want to go somewhere abandoned today? Like some adventuring?" I suggest.

"Yes! That's such a good idea. We will have to wait until dark though," Capron says.

So for the rest of the day I sat around editing, answering emails and reading some messages fans had sent over social media.

Then eventually darkness came.  Corey, Capron, Quentin and I set out in Caprons car. We arrive at the abandoned hospital. It looks really sketch.

"Oh...I'm not sure about this," Corey says nervously.

"How bad could it be?" Quentin says.

I pull out my camera and say,"so we've just arrived at this abandoned hospital. It looks pretty sketchy but we're going to look around see how we can get in and see if there's any security around!"

So we scope out the area and there is one security guard standing outside what looks like the entrance. We keep looking and eventually find a potential entrance.

Corey squeezes through first, then Quentin, then me and then Capron.

I take out my camera again but this time I whisper.

"So, I have to be really quiet because there's security over there but we're in! One plan is we all stick together! It's supposedly haunted so we're gonna see if we can get anything interesting!"

Capron takes the lead and we all follow him into the hospital. It's really sketchy inside here and it smells awful.

The floor creaks as we step on it. We find lots of different rooms and we go into a few of them.

We have been in here for a half an hour just scoping around.


"Yo what was that!" Capron asks nervously.

"Dude, don't play tanner!" Quentin says.

"Bro that wasn't me!" I defend.

"Guys listen!" Corey says.

In a distance we can hear a phone ringing.

"So guys I don't know if ye can hear that but there's a phone ringing but you guys had to have heard that bang," I say into my camera.

"This is getting way too dicey bro!" Corey says.

"Agreed!" Quentin says.


"Em theres footsteps..and they're getting closer!!" I say.

"Come on!! We need to get out of here!! Now!!" Capron roars taking the lead.

We all follow Capron, running at top speed. As we reach the exit there's another Big Bang.

"Tanner, you first!" Capron says.

So I slip out the hole still vlogging this whole thing. Quentin follows and then Corey and then Capron. We run out to the car and get in it.

"Dude! I'm not going to be able to sleep tonight!" Quentin says and we all laugh.

"But what the hell was them noises?" Capron says.

"And who was ringing the phone?!" Corey continues.

"I don't know guys but let's get away from here.....this place creeps me out!"

So Capron drives back home. When we get home we all go to our bedrooms and just relax until we can fall asleep.

Sorry for the very late upload :/ I promise they'll be more frequent from now on :) hope your enjoying and see you later
-It ain't my fault

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