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I don't know why I have been going down memory lane a lot recently. It's just that now that the new year is beginning, I can't help but take a jog down memory lane.

My obsession with Sherlock long began before I was introduced to the books... I think it all began with Elementary the American adaptation of the English Sherlock Holmes...

I wanted to become him, I lover the idea of knowing and seeing what others could not. I also loved the amount of information his beautiful mind can hold.

I'm pretty sure there is where my obsession with intelligent men started. I found beauty in the chaos that is knowledge. Which might be why I like villains more then the heroes. More often than not, a hero succeeds in taking down the villain by luck, and with the help of others. The villain on the other hand always has more plans than the letters in the alphabet.

I was introduced to the BBC version of Sherlock, it was, and still is, the most wonderful show. I enjoy the acting, the characters, and most importantly I love the writer Steven Moffat. He knows how to brake your heart in unimaginable ways and still keep you coming back for more.

What upsets me the most is how detached Sherlock is from people, sometimes I just want to hug him and tie him to me so he won't let go. He reminds me of a lot of people who don't know how to deal with their emotions so they repress them. A person I know has kept a lid on their anger for years, and once they finally gave up it was not pretty.

Try to find your harmless way of venting, or else you might feel rage so intense it will not only break you, but the people around you as well.

Sherlock Holmes represents a lot of things, but to me, he is my other half. The half I am terrified of, the one that is cruelly and brutally honest. The half that wants to push everyone away.

It is also the half that understands the way the world works, and short cuts that end in mischief and stories, the daring part of me that is willing to climb a wall with no harnesses because of pride.

I have one part (the second volume) of Sherlock Holmes and I always play a game. I have to guess the motive, weapon, and person who killed the victim. If I know who it is halfway through, then I win. So far the score is six to nine, me scoring six. Although I will catch up with him :D

Nobody would ever understand how much Sherlock means to me, and that's why it feels weird but happy knowing that there are other people who truly are inspired by him, and are not there just to be there.

Time flys when your writing about a topic you are passionate about. I should probably go to sleep now, I have a presentation to do tomorrow... Yay :|

❤️ Don't forget to enter your mind palace and find your happy moments ❤️

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