Chapter 6 - Judge's Homes (Part 2)

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Lauren's P.O.V.

I walked out of the bedroom following the other girls, not paying attention, my mind still wandering thinking about Camz, and walked into someone.

"I'm sorry! I wasn't paying attention!" I say nervously. I look up and see a boy with light brown hair and green eyes. He's cute, not going to lie. 

"Hey it's fine! It was my fault anyways, I shouldn't have been in your way." He assures me. Wow this boy is such a sweetheart. He definetly made a smile creep upon me.

"By the way, I'm Keaton." He continues and puts out his hand.

"I'm Lauren." I greeted and shook his hand.

"What a beautiful name. It makes sense though, a beautiful name for a beautiful girl." He comments, taking my hand and gently places a kiss on the back of it. "This boy though.." I thought. I feel my cheeks heat up and turn bright red. I hope he didn't notice it because that's embarrassing..

"Cmon let's go, everyone downstairs." Keaton said. He grabs my hand and we start walking down the hall, towards the stairs.

Camila's P.O.V.

I sat down with all the girls.. well except for Lauren, I have no idea where she is. I look around the room to see if she's coming but still no sign yet. At least Simon's not here yet but he should be soon. 

I search my pockets and realized I had forgotten my phone back upstairs in our bedroom.

"I'm sorry everyone, but Mr. Cowell just informed me that his meeting is taking longer than usual but should be ending soon. He will be here shortly. In the meantime, make yourselves comfortable." The lady from earlier said.

"Hey guys, I'll be right back, I'm just going up to the room real quick to grab my phone." The girls nodded so I quickly ran up the stairs into the hallway to see Lauren and some guy walking my way holding hands. I started to feel my body overcome with jealousy, and I know I shouldn't but I can't help it.  She isn't mine, although I wish she was. I feel tears trying to escape from my eyes but I was able to hold them in, thank god. I didn't want to cry in front of Lauren, especially knowing that I didn't have a good reason to explain to her if I did.

Lauren looks at me, her eyes shot open and let go of that guys hand. This gave me a little bit of relief.

"Keaton, I'll see you later okay?" Lauren says.

"Umm.. okay then.. I guess I'll see you later." Keaton says confused. He walks pass me, going down the stairs.

"Camz? What are you going up here? Aren't you suppose to be downstairs with everyone?" Lauren asks curiously.

"Yea but I just came back up real quick to grab my phone.. but uh.. I could ask you the same question." I say.

"Oh I bumped into Keaton by accident while walking out of the room haha clumsy me." She giggles.

"Haha yea right if anything, I'm the clumsy one in the group!" I smile back. She returned the same gesture. There it was, that smile I always loved on her. If only she knew how I really felt about her, then again, it could turn ruin our whole friendship and maybe even the band. 

The memory from just a few minutes ago returned back in my mind, Lauren and Keaton holding hands. My smile slowly started to fade away, and my mood was slowly starting to turn into sadness. 

"Camz cmon, let's go get your phone and I'll walk down with you." She insisted.

"No Lolo it's fine. You can just go down, I'll be only a couple of minutes." I answer back. To be honest, I wish that was me instead of Keaton holding her hand. Maybe I just have to accept the fact that she and I  can never happen.

"Okay Camz.." she says with that sweet voice of hers. She sounds so cute, which made my jealousy go away just a little bit. I give her a fake smile and walk towards the bedroom.

I push the door open and I search everywhere for my phone. I look over at the nightstand and notice a prescription bottle. It was mine! I swear I wouldn't have left my stuff out like this. How did it get out? Oh my god, Lauren was the last one coming out the bedroom! What if she saw them and thinks I'm crazy?! I never really talked to anyone about my past, and I certainly did not want to, well at least not now. Maybe in the future I will, but I'm just not ready to open up about my past. 

I start to feel anxious as all my thoughts come pouring in, overwhelming me. What if Lauren didn't want to be my friend anymore because of this? Was I really losing my best friend? On top of that, was I really losing her to some guy? I shouldn't feel jealous, at all. But the fact that I am, makes me second guess myself about everything. 

I look down at the bottle of pills and without thinking twice, I take one tablet in my hand and swallow it without drinking water. After I swallow the pill, I feel a lot lighter, as if a huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders and start walking back to the living room.

Lauren's P.O.V.

I know something was wrong with Camz. I just didn't want to say anything to her because I didn't want to push her into talking to me. If she wanted to she would've.

I make my way down the stairs and walk in the living room to sit next to Dinah on the couch with the rest of the girls.

"Girl Where you been?" Dinah asks.

"Sorry I was caught up in something." I mumble.

"Mhmm ight I see then.." 

"D, I'd rather not talk about it." I say back with a harsher tone. 

"Sorry Lo. Just know that I'm here whenever you need to talk okay?" She assures me.

"Sorry D, that came out a little harsher than I intended. Trust me it has nothing to do with you okay? And of course I know that. Thanks.." I say, wrapping my arms around her neck giving her a hug.

I kept thinking about Camz and I just wanted to know if she was okay or not. When she saw Keaton and I, she looked as if she was upset. I hope she's not mad at me. 

You know, one part of me knows we're not together and to be honest, I don't think Camz and I can ever be but I don't want to get to close to her and have her feel like I'm too clingy. I've dated a couple of guys back in Miami, and well, things didn't turn out right. When I love, I love hard and I guess that can be a bad thing sometimes. I just don't want to get my hopes up for nothing. Another part of me wants to hold her in my arms and tell her how I really feel.

Camz came down and well, there wasn't anymore room for her on the couch so the girls grabbed her and laid her down across all of us, with her head on my lap. Normani cracks a joke and we all start to laugh our asses off. I notice Camz' smile, which is unusal. She seemed so down in the hallway upstairs. Maybe she took a tablet? I would rather she come to me and talk about what's going on. Camz and I were the closest out of the rest of the girls and I just want to let her know I'm here and she can open up to me. It's okay though, I would wait how ever long it takes for her to finally open up, no matter how small, or how big her problems were. Because, I'm falling for her.

I snap out of my thoughts when Simon walks through the door.

"Hello everyone, I'm Simon, of course you all probably know that already.." He introduces and everyone giggles at him.

"And of course, you all know that I will be your mentor from here on out.." He continues.

"Cutting right to the chase, there is not room for everyone to compete in this competition. In this stage of the competition, you will audition for me and a special friend of mine to make it to the live shows. Every group will pick a song of their own choice. I will not be mentoring you in this stage until live shows. All auditions will be in exactly one week, so I urge everyone to get started. Thank you and good luck to everyone." He finishes. As soon as Simon is done talking, everyone gets up and does their own thing. The girls and I make our way to the kitchen to grab a quick bite. They sit down at the table, and I walk over to the counter to grab an apple, until I feel someone grab my hand.

A/N~ Again sorry about the whole not updating after a week stuff I've been super busy with midterms and everything. I plan to update tommorow though so keep reading! Please follow, vote and comment! Thanks!!!

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