Connection 4

379 22 6

Taehyung POV


Yes, I fucked up. I fell for him. Shit, that makes me gay, right? It's 6.17 pm, and all I've done is talking to Jungkook. I don't know how he does it, but he makes my heart pound faster then the motor of my dads car. Minutes pass and we keep talking about eachother, family, love.. Love, what is it? I can't tell, but if it's love I feel for Jungkook, I know it's strong.

Ah, I found you!

My skype, you mean?

No, I added that a while ago, I'm talking about your address.

My address..?

I never gave you my address.

Sweet Taehyung, I know everything about you.

How do you know..?

Babe, I'm a hacker.

So you're not Jungkook?

ARE YOU CRAZY HAHAHAH Fcourse I'm Jungkook!

Then why did you tell me you're a hacker?

You asked where I got your information from.

Smart boy~

Wait, but I didn't gave you my skype either..

I told you I know everything.

That's really scary, Jungcock.





Let's skype, ThirsTae


I know you love me

* dead *

C'mon let's Skype


I walk up to my setup, which consists of four screens, and start up Skype.


'Missed a call from ChimChim'
70min ago

'Kookie added you!'
46min ago

'MotionlessMin's birthday is tomorrow!'

'PrinceJin added you to 'FAMmm~''
45min ago

'GoD to 'FAMmm~' Jimin u got no jams.' 742 messages
1sec ago

"Damn, Jin. Why that groupchat?" I mumble as I open the chat and quickly scroll down all the 742 messages. I click the mute button, not wanting to be itterupted in my first call with Jeon Jungkook. I open up Jimin's chat and ask him why he called me 70 minutes ago. "Hmm, Yoongi's birthday is tomorrow. Don't forget, Taehyung." I speak to myself as I add a reminder in my phone. And the last thing; Kookie added you. I open up the chat and add him back. He sends me he'll have to be very quiet, because his mom is home, and his dad will be in any minute.



I press down the call button, really excited to hear Jungkooks voice, and see him real life, not just a simple picture. My expectations are quite high. I think. No. Actually, I don't care, I love his personality, not his looks. I mean, that he also looks beautiful is a bonus, but his inner side is what really counts for me, and since that inner side looks beautiful from the outside, the inside should be even more beautiful.

"Hey~" His voice sounds, really quiet, but oh so beautiful. "Hey." I speak back. My voice vibrates, I'm nervous.  "Wow, this is fun." I hear the sarcasm in Jungkooks voice and start to laugh. "Jungkook, you stupid little boy you-" He cuts my sentence off. "I know, I love you too." I don't know what the last word was, but I don't care. I love you. Damn. I feel my cheecks glow, something I've never felt before. They glow hot. "You're more silent then I thought you'd be." His warm deep voice makes me realize I'm still skyping with him. "I'm sorry, I think I dozed off, I'm quite tired, you see." "Why?" "Hm, I didn't sleep well since I didn't got any messages from you- I mean. I wasn't worried..." I hear Jungkook chuckle and my cheecks burn up even more. Shit, this boy.. 

"So, now that we heard eachothers voices, I'd like to see you, too." I speak as we talked for a while. "O-oh, uhm." Jungkooks voice sound really insecure, and it kinda worries me, he doesn't hates himself, right? Or isn't he who he told me he was? My nerves get bigger with the second. "Uhm, If you don't want to, it's okay." I speak quickly. "No, no. It's fine, but, please don't- Nevermind, can you go first?" "Sure.." I move my mouse to the cam button, clicking it on. My cam turns on, but there's no sight. "Oh, right, protection." I speak as I stand up and take off the protection cap from the cam. I see myself pop up in the screen. I look straight into the camera, showing off my eyes, while waiting for Jungkook to turn on his camera too.

I think I just got a heartattack. My heart pounds as crazy as I hear some noises comming from Jungkooks side. "Uhh, Jungkook?" I dare to ask carefully as I keep hearing those sounds. As I get no answer, I try to think of things what could be happening. 

All of a sudden Jungkooks cam pops on, with big eyes I watch what's happening. I want to break through the screen, but I know that's impossible. In front of me, I see Jungkook, and another man. His dad, maybe, or his brother. I want to look away, but I can't. "J-Jungkook..." This isn't real. It's fake, you're just dreaming Tae. Wake up. 

I see the other man comming to the computer or laptop from Jungkook, and after a highpicted NO scream from Jungkook, I'm being clicked away.

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