Connection 6

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Taehyung POV


I blink my eyes twice, not believing how beautiful he is. I mean, I know that he looks good on pictures and all, but this sight here in front of me, Damn. I see his swollen eye and cracked lips, but he still looks beautiful. Actually, it gives him a another touch, like he tells you a story without talking. It melts my heart. We stare at eachother for quite a while, I believe, I have no idea of time when my eyes are focused on this miracle here in front of me. "U-Uh.. Taehyung.. I can't stand this long.. It kinda hurts.." He finally speaks. I shake my head to come out of the trance I was in. "Oh. Right." I step closer to him, close enough to count the hairs in his eyebrows. "Let me help you." I speak, after closing the frontdoor. I take his hand and lead him in side. The blush forming on his cheeks is too cute to explain with all the words excisting in the wide world. I smile at him, trying to make him feel more comfortable around me. I mean, we're not even one hour around eachother, and we're already making contact by touching eachother, better said, holding eachothers hands. His hand is smaller then mine, and very soft, his gulps tell me he might be hurted on his hands too, so I loosen my grip. He smiles lightly back at me, which makes me fall for him even more. Shit he's so fucking cute..

Jungkook POV


My heart beats as I hold onto Taehyungs big hands. They totally enclose mine. I keep letting go of small moans, the pain in my legs hurting me badly. "Are you ok, Jungkook?" My heart skips a beat and my blush grows deeper. I nod slowly. He comes closer, very close, and I feel how my face is turning deep crimson red and burning up with heat. I'm flustered by the way he acts, like I said before, in only two days he was able to make me feel wanted, appreciated, but the way he is acting now, was something I didn't expect. He actually cares about me. The fuckboy I met online, calling me the most gross nicknames and mastrubating to my pictures while texting me, has totally disappeared. He talks gentle, and came over sooner then I had ever dared to dream. The next moment I feel a stinging pain in my hip, and as I press my eyes closed as reflex, I feel my feet getting lifted from the ground. An arm under my knees and one under back, as Taehyung is lifting me. I open my eyes carefully and look at him. He's so close, I can feel his heart beating against the side of my torso, and I feel his warm breath on my cold skin. He carries me inside, which goes a lot faster then when I walk myself. "If you're not comfortable with anything I do, just tell me, okay?" When I focus on listening to his voice, I hear how beautiful it is, husky deep and low, but soft and gentle with the right percentage of love given to it. "O-Ofcourse.." I mumble, not really knowing what to expect. He sits down on the sofa, my eyes shooting towards the TV, which is still playing. I'm still in his arms as he sits down, I end up sitting half on his lap, his arms around me, and his breath in my neck and my ear. Actually, whenever I'm around others, I'm really cringey and uncomfortable with every touch my friends give me. Well, I don't know what I am to Tae, or what he is to me, or what he does, but every little bit of attention I'm receiving from him, makes me really happy, even when his strong arms are around me. He makes me forget my pain, makes me smile again.

Taehyung POV


I smile as I see a little smile creep up onto Jungkooks lips as he cuddles up to me more. His body is cold and aching, and he will be in big trouble if any of his parents find out about me being here, and still, still he risks it all for me. And instead of pushing me away because I acted like a total douche online, he let's me come close and touch him, hold him, make him smile. Yes, it truly is the most beautiful on earth when you know he is smiling because of you. My arms are around him, but not tight at all, really weakly and caring, keeping in mind I could hurt him if I held him closer. But Jungkook doesn't seem to care, because he wraps his arms around me too, and lets his head rest on my chest. His ear at the place of my heart, I don't know if he did that purposly, but my heart starts to beat faster. "Jungkook, where do you want me to take you?" I whisper gently in his ear. "I can't walk, Tae... I can't go anywhere.." He mumbles, and his shoulders start to shock slightly. I rub my hand softly over his back, as the shocking gets worse. "Jungkook..?" I ask softly after a while. His body moves slowly, causing him to moan quietly, and then his arms wrap around my neck, sitting on my lap, he rests his chin on my shoulder. I hug him back softly, trying not to hurt him. "I'm sorry.. Taehyung.. I just.." he stops talking and I slide my hands down his waist, holding him close. "Let's go, we'll just go for a walk, I'll help you. The sooner you walk again, the sooner you'll be able to do all day things again." I hear a soft sigh escape his lips, and the next moment his head nods up and down on my shoulder.

I take his hand again, and help him to get up. The first steps were painful, but we're walking about 25 minutes now and the walking seems to go better step by step. Jungkooks beautiful face is decorated with a soft smile as he walks next to me. We're not holding hands, but there's  skinship all the time.                                                                                                                                                 Soon Jungkook starts walking faster, and ends up running through a field full of flowers. I smile at the sight, he is so beautiful.

After a while Jungkook returns from his run through the flowers and exhales exhausted, a wide smile on his face

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After a while Jungkook returns from his run through the flowers and exhales exhausted, a wide smile on his face. "Damn.. I missed doing that." he says excited. As he sees the frown on my face, he chuckles softly. "I used to come here very often with my older brother when I was younger. We played hide and seek, or had picknicks." he tells me. I ruffle his hair as I smile at him. "What a beautiful memorie, Kookie~" He smiled his beautiful smile at me, the one what succeeded to make my heart race, the one what made me blush.

We walk a little more, and the sun starts to set when we reach the small beach. We sit down on the warmed up sand, and Jungkook rests his head on my shoulder, while my arm is wrapped around his waist. He lets a satisfied sigh escape. "Tae..?" "Yes?" "Thanks for everything.. it was really nice to get to know you more and have such a fun time with you." He smiles at me, my heart skips a beat or two. "You're very welcome, Kookie." I smile back, seeing a slight blush appear on his cheeks, which makes me giggle. I lean slightly in, giving Jungkook a soft kiss on his forehead. His blush grows deeper, and I pull him close, our eyes settled at the sea in front of us.

"Tae, I love you."

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