Chapter 5

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I walk into the school and go straight to find my locker. I put all my books inside and throw my wallet and keys in. It's not like anyone knows my combo. 

*Bell rings*

Second period comes by and I have art. Finally a class I am excited to have. Of course, again in this class everybody is in their assigned seats and I have to stand in front of the class waiting for the teacher to find an empty seat. My teacher points to the back of the class and tells me, "There. In the back, there is a seat next to the girl with blonde in her hair." Shit. It is the girl who I waved to my first time I came into this school to enroll. What if she thinks I am a loser for waving at her. Crap. Crap. Crap.

"Hey, the names Kimberly, but you can call me Kim.", the girl with the blonde in her hair says to me as I take my seat.

"Hey, I'm Kat.", I shyly respond.

"I saw you last week. You waved back to me."

Back to her? So she did wave to me. Now I don't feel as stupid as I did when I waved.

"Oh yea. That was me."

"If you don't have anyone to chill with, you hang with me and my friend Alex."

"Yea, that would great. Thanks."

"No problem", Kim replies with a friendly smile.

Wow. I cannot believe I made a friend already. How cool is this. All I have to do is stay calm and cool. Just don't say anything stupid or obvious.

When lunch comes around the three of us girls, including Kim and Alex, have got to know each other. Apparently Kim and I both enjoy photography and planned on joining yearbook next year. It feels like we have connected right away. I cannot wait to continue to hang out with these ladies.

My last class of the day is choir. I am really shocked I got in on such short notice but I was lucky that the instructor was in the office at the tine. I was super nervous for the reason that there was other students in the office building and teachers and I had to sing out loud. Once I walked in everybody was already there. I do not even know how they all got there so fast, I even tried to be the first one to get there. When I opened the doors every single one of the girls sang to me. It was a bit creepy though they sounded beautiful. They sang the words "Welcome to our family, we welcome you. Welcome to our family, lets all hope we love you." A bit cheesy but it was cute.

"Hi, I'm Perrie. Perrie Edawrds.", says a blonde haired girl. She is drop dead gorgeous. I bet she has a boyfriend. Probably the hottest boy in school.

"Kat Lomeli.", I respond with a smile.

"Well it is a pleasure to meet you. Your hair is really something, isn't it?"

"Oh. Yea, I just kind of saw some girl in a magazine with the color and I thought I would just go for it.", I laugh hoping she laughs back.

"Well it certainly looks great on ya.", she smiles and winks.


"Well, we always start class warming up our vocals.", she explains.

"Can you teach me how?"

"Of course girl."

She has a strong accent. Maybe from the U.K. or Australia. I don't know really but it is fun to hear.

After class I decided to drive to a fast food restaurant to grab something to eat. I didn't get to grab some food while I was at school, I was too busy getting to know Kim and Alex. They were super nice and I hope they were not just being nice to me because I was the new girl. I guess I could have got their numbers.

Once I get to Weinersnitzel I order myself two chili dogs and fries with a medium sprite. I should start to workout and eat less junk food. I am starting to put on a few more pounds.

When I get home Malikai greets me at the door by jumping up and down waging his little tail. I walk over to the family room to sit down and eat my lunch while watching some television. There is not really anything good on at the moment. I could just start on my homework which I have the first day in.

For the rest of the night I play with Malikai, eat dinner and chat with my father, wash up, then get to bed. Today was interesting, a lot of introducing in front of a lot of students. Embarassing. Good thing, I looked cute.

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