Chapter 37

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We all give complements to each other on how we all did tonight and go our separate ways. I grab my bag and head towards the front of the school. I have a little ways to walk because the student parking lot is on the side of the school and they locked the gate on the side so I couldn't go out that way.

As I am walking towards my car I see a shadow leaning against it.

"Katarina! Hey!" Brian yells and waves to me.

"You have got to stop calling me that, call me Kat!" I jokingly punch him in the arm and he grabs it.

"I like that name way better than simple ol' Kat." True.

"Soooo, what did you think of tonight? Was it interesting?" I ask.

"Interesting? It was most definitely not interesting. It was incredible. Especially you, you were absolutely amazing." his smile grows.

"I had no idea you could sing like that." Brian continues.

"Your so right, mate. She's incredible." a familiar arm wraps around my shoulder and pulls me close.

"Hey babe." Zayn says as he kisses me on the cheek.

"I didn't see you out there. I didn't see either of you out there or did I?" I cant remember if I saw them or not.

"I was in the back behind some really tall guy. I had to keep moving to the left and right to try to see around him. Did you see him?" That makes sense. I saw that guy when I first walked out on stage for our group performance.

"Yea, I did see him. He's probably a basketball player or something for being that tall." I say and laugh and the two boys join in.

"So yea, let's get going, Kat." Zayn says as he reaches for my keys in my hand.

"Where you going? Your not coming home tonight?" Brain says.

"Home?" Zayn asks with a face I have never seen before. It looks as if he may be jealous.

I signal to Brian to not say anything further than what he had already said.

"Uh, yea. Sooo I'll see you around, Brain." I hand Zayn the keys and he gets into the driver's side and starts the car before I get in.

I reach the door handle and Zayn leans into the passenger side to open the door for me and I smile The little things he does for me make my heart melt.

I sit into my car and Zayn closes the door behind me.

"Thank you, sir." I smile.

"Your welcome beautiful."

We pull up to my house and Zayn parks my car into the drive way.

"I thought we were going to your house?" I ask in confusion.

"We are, I'm just dropping your car off. Were gonna walk to my house, it's only like not even a five minute walk." he laughs.

"Oh, alright." Zayn reaches for my hand and holds it as we walk to his house. It's chilly outside.

We walk inside and his house smells amazing. Like a strong scent of apple cinnamon. It's one of my favorite smells next to green apple. I take off my jacket and hang it up by the door.

"Hungry babe?" Zayn asks walking into the kitchen and I follow.

"Starving." I reply.

"How does pasta sound?" he asks as he pulls out a box of spaghetti from the cabinet along with a jar of pasta sauce.


"Alright, you can pick a movie from the cabinets under the TV."

I walk over to the living room and sit in front of the movie holder. I sort through various movies and finally find one I haven't seen. It's the second Thor movie. I've been wanting to watch this movie for so long ever since it came out. I grab the box it's in and open it up, I put it into the Blu Ray player and I look back to see Zayn walking into the room.

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