2 - Sexy Lady

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“Mind if we had a race?” Gisele interrupted, she seemed excited to finally have some competition.

Mira contemplated her options, and remembered Shaw saying she could show off her bike “Yeah, I guess I could do a race, what’s the price?” she asked while going back to massaging her neck.

“Money?” Han added.

Mira murmured something to herself “Not really interested on money” Roman smirked and stepped forward “What about a date?”

“Don’t do dates” The crew snickered at her answer, Roman seemed to be getting rejected a lot lately. Then, it was Han’s turn to ask “And why not?”

“I’ve had enough testosterone filled possessive men in my life, I guess” Mira’s answer shut them up.

Dom pointed at the two bikes “What about going old street racer style, ride for ride” Mira thought about it for a minute.

“Seems fun enough for me” Mira smirked, which was the first actual facial expression she had showed them.

People moved away so Gisele and Mira could move their bikes to the street, it wasn’t really common to see those type of races, so everyone was paying attention, and many had started making bets.

Bryan walked to the start line and nodded to the racers.

“Ready!  -  Set!”



All Mira could hear at the moment, was the loud purr of her bike as she speeded past the cars, she couldn’t find where her competitor was, but she was only some blocks away from the finish line. That is, until Gisele appeared next to her on her own black bike.

Mira bit her lip “Fuck” she murmured before she accelerated to full speed. Then she found herself in front of Gisele. They only needed to turn around the corner that was located farther ahead of them to get to the finishing spot, which Mira was sure she would reach first.

Until her rival pulled out a gun and shot her front tire.

Mira lost control of her bike, she tried to brake but it only served to make screeching noises and for her bike to start wobbling. She tipped to the side, fell from her bike, crashed against the rough ground and finally her motorcycle tumbled on top of her.

She lay there for a couple of minutes, trying to regain her senses, blinking away the blurry images when suddenly, people crowded around her. She felt a heavy weight being lifted from her lower body, which she knew was her bike and then she was bombarded with questions she deemed were stupid.

“Oh my God! Are you ok?!” But Mira didn’t answer and instead, she felt anger rising through her body.

“That bitch shot my bike”


The crew was speechless “Please someone tell me what just happened” Roman murmured, his eyes were wide just like everyone else’s. Right at that moment, Gisele appeared at the finish line and turned off her bike before taking her helmet off.

“What the fuck Gisele?!” Brian walked up to her with a pissed off expression. Dom was surprised by the turn of events but stayed calm “Han, Roman, go help the girl and tell her we’ll pay for repair and hospital bill in case she needs to go” Dom went and stood next to Brian “Care to explain why you shot a racer?” Gisele fidgeted with her helmet.

Slave [Han/OC Fast and Furious story]Where stories live. Discover now