part 8

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Michael walks into Ashton's house with a limp and clutches his backside while the curly boy is sat on the other side of the room with a guitar in his hands and a scrunched up sheet of paper smoothed out, leaning against a stack of books. 

"Well Mikey, you now know what happens if you mark up Calum" Ashton sits there trying not to laugh while Michael struggles to sit down. "What did I try telling you?" 

"You didn't tell me shit" Michael shot back while unlocking his phone and scrolling down Instagram. The hazel eyed lad huffed and continued on strumming the guitar, sliding the metal slider up and down the neck effortlessly. 

"Hey Mikey can you show me how to do the chorus, I can't seem to get it right?" Ashton asks with hope but got a deathly stare from the green eyed boy "Are you still in a mood with me from the start of the bet?" Michael stays silent. 

"We both fucked Cal yet you still won't talk to me?" Ashton states, not giving up on the friendship "You're my boyfriend and I don't appreciate you ignoring me, kitten" Michael stays silent but stiffens in his seat as the older boy got up and begins walking over to him. 

Ashton took the phone out of the pale hands and threw it on the nearby sofa. He stuck his face in the subs and kissed him once on the lips. Michael just sits there frozen with his arms crossed but a tiny smirk threatens to make its way onto his face. 

"Do I need to bend that pale arse over my knee, or ar you going to kiss me back?" Ashton lets his dominant side come out making Mike squirm in place because of how intimidated he's feeling. The green eyes try avoiding connecting with the hazel ones that grow darker every second he has to wait. 

Suddenly the submissive gets lifted up onto his feet by strong. Michael's trousers and boxers instantly get pulled down and his bare arse is on show. His middle section gets bent and he is on Ashton's knees. 

"I want you to remember that you are below me and not to disobey me, I can still punish you" Ashton whispers running his hand over the smooth and pale bum. Michael won't admit it but he actually enjoys being spanked because it gives him a rush of pleasure and pain at the same time. 

"Count them you slut" A large hand comes down hard and emits a high pitched slapping noise around the room scaring  Michael slightly but he still manages to whisper a "one" through his red lips. 

The second slap is even louder jolting the younger boy forward, making him screw his emerald eyes shut. "two" These loud and sharp slaps happen for another five rounds, turning the previous milky white skin now a violent scarlet colour. 

The last slap came down hard and the most painful, a single tear rolls down Michael's face from the stinging sensation but the pleasure went straight to his cock that is growing increasingly harder. 

"Ten, daddy" the now sore submissive whimpers out the words while grinding his bare crotch down onto Ashton's clothed lap but he gets pushed off and the older one walks off back to his guitar. 

The feeling of being left twice in the same day is too much for Michael to handle so he pulls only his boxers up and curls up on the sofa to cry himself to sleep. Ashton is still slightly angry from being ignored so he plugs his headphones in and strums the guitar more, trying to conquer the difficult chorus by himself without any help.

After about ten minutes the hazel haired boy takes off the headphones and listens to the slight sniffles coming from the other side of the room, his heart clenches at the sound of one of his loves in emotional pain so he decides to put down the instrument and waddle over to comfort the crying boy. 

"Hey baby, want to cuddle?" Ashton asks with hope and kindness in his voice. Michael holds his arms out and his red and tear stained face is revealed making the older boy feel terrible, he didn't think his partner would react like this; he never normally does after a punishment. 

Ashton takes his jeans off also and climbs onto the sofa, taking Michael in his strong, muscled arms. The red haired boy nuzzles his face into the broad chest and sniffles a bit more before beginning to speak. 

"I-I've b-been abandoned s-so much today and I-I just feel so unloved Ash" Michael splutters out between sobs, this makes the stronger boy pull him closer and kiss his forehead. 

"We all love you more than words can describe, you need to have more confidence in yourself, sweetheart" Ashton whispers while circling his thumb on the exposed and hairless thigh. 

Both boys lay there for an hour until Ashton speaks. 

"let's get ahead of the other two, how about that drum lesson, kitten?" 


The cute Mashton chapter that was promised. I've been really sick over the last two weeks so I haven't been updating, soz. I'm back to my normal but still not healthy self. I have had the flu a chest infection and I've got sinusitis with vomiting a lot so I'm not well but I updated :) 

 Ship next chapter? 

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What do want to see happen?

See you a lot sooner. xoxo 

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