Part 10

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(pls point out any errors or something mixed up it's been ages since I've updated this book)

Calum wakes up on Ashton's sofa the next morning and rubs the sleep out of his eyes. He searches the very familiar living room in search for another body but no one is around. His tan hand reaches for his phone and presses the power button in hope for some charge and to his luck, the screen lights up and burns his eyes slightly. There are multiple snap chats, various notifications and once text from Ashton that reads...

I and Mikey have gone back to his but my parents won't be back for a few days so feel free to stay around until then, thank you for taking such good care of him and talking some sense into Luke. See you soon, love you loads xoxoxo

The brunette boy's face lightens up with a cheesy smile with the cute text he received, he quickly types a reply and then checks all of his social media. 

About half an hour later at mid-day Luke wanders down the stairs with the worst bed/sex hair Calum has ever seen. The small boy giggles to himself and gets a mocking face back from the dirty blonde. Luke places himself on the sofa next to his petite boyfriend and softly rests his hand on the tan thigh. 

"Hey, um, can we talk about last night?" Luke asks scruffing up his eyebrows. Calum moves on the sofa, sitting upright and ready to listen, then nods his head. "I've never seen you so mad like that, over our group relationship. I just can't treat the others like I treat you, Cal"

"Why, Lukey?" Calum asks, scratching his head and trying to make eye contact but the blue ones won't look back.  "We've been in this quad relationship for over a year now, what's made you change your mind?" 

"The thing is Cal, I love you with every fiber I have in my lanky body and seeing you with the other boys just drives me insane and that's why I get so angry and just abandon the other two. When you and Mikey kissed last night I didn't get turned on I just got mad, really mad" Luke started sniffing and wipes the evidence away "L-like I wanted to p-punch him and not playfully, like full on so it hurt him. I hate what I've become"

Calum sits there with his mouth wide open and tears flowing freely down his cheeks, making his nose run, He can't even process the words coming out one of his boyfriend's mouth "W-what? So you don't love them, is that what you're telling me? Because I love all of you equally and can't imagine it any other way"  

"Baby Cal, that is exactly what I'm telling you. Don't think this is easy for me either, this really isn't easy and it is breaking my heart every single second of every day, I pretend to love the other two because I can't let you go or let you walk away from me but you have your choices now"  Calum can't even move or breathe "p-please cal, ju-" 

Calum rests one hand very lightly on Luke's chest and pushes him away. The blonde is crying violently now as the one he loves slowly moves him out of his space. 

"D-don't d-do this, please" nothing "Please! I've told you the truth. I've confessed my undying love for you! Let me love you the normal way as a pair." Calum shakes his head furiously as more tear drops than words fall. "What more could you want, Cal? I'll give you anything!" Luke is now shouting.

"I want you to leave" Calum whispers, wondering if he can change his decision. "How could you do this? Hmmm? I love you three equally so I cannot choose one or two, IT IS THREE OR NO ONE. You're so selfish just leave. Don't say anything just leave." The petite boy stands up off the sofa and points harshly towards the door. 

Luke grabs his own torso and hugs it hard while he walks to the door. 

The blue eyes look back but the brown ones don't, both pairs drowning in tears. 


Well, that was sad but a good way to kick off the drama. 

it is currently 5 in the morning and I haven't slept because I had too much coffee.


What do you want Calum to choose? 

Do you think Luke is a dick/ selfish for doing this? 

(check out my other books pls thanks) 

Love you all tons 

See you as soon as I can :) 

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