2p! England x Reader

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Note: I don't bake, I don't know what I'm typing.

You happily knocked on the door of the Allies Manner. You didn't live with them and you lived pretty far away from them, you live in (C/n) (Country). And they weren't in that country right now. You know it cost alot to go to different places.

With those thoughts going aside someone opened the door, "Hello poppet!" You looked down/up to see Oliver, "O-oh! Hello Ollie!" You giggled nervously and he chuckled, "Well make yourself at home love!" You both made your way into the large sized house and Allen snickered, "Yo!" He waved at you and you waved back, "What brings you here toots?" He grinned childishly and you smiled, "I was hoping I could, " you started and bit your lip. What did you want to do? "Watch him bake. Yes. Um, could I do that?" You asked and looked to him, "Well sure (Y/n), I don't see why not." He smiled and Allen rolled his eyes, "That's it? You didn't want to say over or something?"

"Allen! Don't bother the girl!" Oliver shooed him away from you, "Alright, Alright. Sheesh." He walked upstairs and you giggled quietly, holding a hand to your lips while doing so. Oliver looked to you and grinned, "So where were we. Oh yes! You wanted me to bake! How wonderful!" He grabbed your arm, making your cheeks heat up slightly, and made his way into the large sized kitchen. Everything was large in this house.

"So what do you want me to bake?" You turned your attention to Oliver, who was smiling happily and already had the flour in the bowl along with eggs that had already been cracked and ready to stir, "Um, a cake." You said randomly and he chuckled, "Alright deary, Want to stir?" You nodded and took the wooden spoon already placed in the bowl. You began to stir a little bit too fast, "Stir slower, so the batter doesn't get out of the bowl, here let me help."

He held your hand as you stir the batter slower. A tint of pink arose on your cheeks and you smiled. He hummed in delight and grinned, "Isn't this wonderful!" He cheerfully said and you giggled, "Yeah, I guess." You began to frown and he looked to you, "What's wrong poppet?" He said and you looked away, "Can I ask you a question?"

"Go ahead deary."

"What do you if you like someone." Oliver's cheeks tinted red and he smiled, "Oh well, I would be honest with them and tell them."

"Alright." You bit your lip and nodded, "Why?"

"B-Because I like you, alot. . ."

Oliver hummed in response and kissed your cheek, "I love you too poppet."


Ew this is trashy and I'm sorry

2p x readers are included

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