Chapter One

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"Danny have you started packing yet? I swear you're one of the most unorganised people I've ever met."

I pop my head around Danny's bedroom door to see my best friend and roommate Danny sitting on his bed texting while his suitcase sat open and empty on the floor by his wardrobe. I roll my eyes and walk into his room clearing my throat.

"Did you hear me, Daniel Rose Murillo?"

He looks up from his phone and smiles, "I heard you, mum. I don't like packing; can you do it for me please?"

I chew my lip and sigh loudly. I was a very organised person and liked things being planned and done way before the due date. The bus was coming in the morning to pick Danny up and he knew my personality, and how I'd end up packing for him in the end.

"You're lucky I love you, Murillo, otherwise I'd slap your pretty white boy face."

Danny laughs, nearly falling off the bed in the process. I shoot him the finger and set about starting to plan what he would need. They were starting in America, before hitting up Canada, and then South America. Then they were taking a small break before heading off to Europe and the rest of the world. Danny would be coming back so I didn't need to pack him a lot.

"This pretty white boy is going to let Matt in."

He jumps off the bed and runs out of the room. Matt was the reason Danny joined Hollywood Undead when they were looking to replace Aron. Matt was a pretty great guy who had become one of my closest friends, plus he had amazing hair. Like Danny, Matt was like another brother to me.

"Seriously Danny you got Cherry to do your packing again. What are you going to do if she ever moves out?"

I look up upon hearing Matt's voice to see him leaning in the doorway. Danny appears next to him gasping loudly.

"Cherry is never leaving me, wherever I go she goes and vice versa isn't that right?"

"Matt, this poor boy couldn't function without me if he tried."

Matt snorts, "yeah you're probably right Cherry. The guys would be devastated if we lost our little lion boy."

I chuckle along with him and continue packing. Danny leaves to order us some food. Matt slumps down on the end of Danny's bed a concerned look on his face.

"I know what you're going to ask Matty and the answer is that I'll be fine here all alone."

Matt sighs, "Both Danny and I worry about you. Ever since your ex forced you to move in with Danny you really haven't been alone Cherry."

A shudder runs down my spine at the mere mention of my ex-boyfriend. Will started off all loving and he treated me like a queen, but after six months he started drinking and doing drugs. Then he turned mean and started abusing me, mentally and emotionally but that quickly deteriorated into physical abuse including torture, rape, and forced submission to his every command. I felt like a prisoner, I needed to get out.

Will terrified me, threatened to kill me if I ever left him or told anyone about the abuse. He didn't make empty threats. But Danny did find out and told me to go to the Police; he helped me gather evidence against Will as well as helping me get back to my old bubbly self. The Police saw the evidence and Will was slapped with a restraining order, and then time in prison for drug charges.

I moved in with Danny and we'd been living together for the past four months without any problems. But Matt was right, I hadn't really been left alone in the apartment for a long time and a small part of me was petrified at the possibility of something bad happening.

"I have some art commissions to work on for some bands which should keep me busy during the day—"

"But what about at night Cherry?" Matt interrupts.

I finish folding a shirt with shaking hands before getting back to my feet, Matt stands up and opens his arms, and I walk into his comforting embrace. Matt gave some of the best hugs around.

"You guys are only a phone call away right?"

"Day or night Cherry, now let's eat before Danny scoffs it all."

I laugh. Danny might be skinny but damn that boy could eat like there was no tomorrow and never put on any weight.

"I agree. Come on Matty."

I pull away from him and offer my arm like the real gentleman I was. He shakes his head at my strangeness but accepts my arm because it would be rude not to. We leave Danny's room, me telling myself I would finish packing after we ate.

"There you two are, for a second I thought you were getting off in my bedroom."

"Why would we hook-up in your room Danny when we both know I have the nicer bed?"

I sit down on the sofa next to Danny and roll my eyes at his over dramatics. I'd never hook up with Matt, we had more of a close brother and sister relationship than lovers and we were both happy.

Matt claims the armchair next to the sofa and starts to take out the Chinese boxes from the bag on the coffee table. The smell made my mouth water, packing was hungry work but Danny wouldn't know what that was like.

Knife Called Lust (Hollywood Undead) (Charlie Scene/Jordon Terrell)Where stories live. Discover now