Chapter Eighteen

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Today was the big day, Cherry and I were getting married, and I'd officially get to call her my wife. Though in the back of my mind I couldn't help but think what could go wrong today, I mean these past six months had been bliss. The guys tried to say I was nervous, but it was safe to say although they weren't saying anything the doubt showed on their faces.

Cherry had been whisked off yesterday by the girls keeping to the tradition that I wasn't allowed to see my bride before she walked down the aisle. Now the wedding was only twenty minutes away.


"Can I have a moment alone girls?"

Everyone shuffles out of the fitting room, Theresa taking Sarah and Mike to get seated in the church next to Jordon's parents.

I stand in front of the mirror and twirl around in my stunning wedding dress, I didn't do the girly look often, but damn today I was a princess and I felt beautiful and elegant.

I stand in front of the mirror and twirl around in my stunning wedding dress, I didn't do the girly look often, but damn today I was a princess and I felt beautiful and elegant

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"Well don't you look...average..."

I jump and spin around, my eyes widening, seeing the last person I expected to walk into my fitting room. Amy stood in front of me in all her slutty glory, wearing a dress that was cut way too short and showed off a bit too much to be considered classy. She wasn't invited.

"What are you doing here, Amy?"

Lifting the bottom of the dress, I get off the little step and make my way towards her determined to get her out of here before she could sour my special day.

"I came to give the bride and groom a wedding gift they'll never forget."

Amy pulls out a small knife and lunges forwards, plunging the blade into my stomach slicing through the delicate dress material like it was butter. She grins maniacally and pulls the knife out before stabbing me two more times.

"Till death do you part Cherry."

She leaves the knife sticking out of the third wound, and I fall to the floor clutching my stomach as I watch my blood seep through the dress, the stain getting bigger and bigger with each passing second. Amy then has the balls to skip out of the room like nothing had happened.

Gasping for breath I keep my hand on my stomach though it does little to stop the heavy blood flow. Crawling across the floor to the slightly open door I knew I needed to get someone's attention and get urgent medical help.

In the hallway I see no one and slump against the wall defeated, tears spilling freely down my cheeks as I imagined Mike and Sarah not growing up with a mum and how devastated Jordon would be if I died here today.

"What are you doing on the floor silly," Danny chuckles, down in front of you, "oh my that blood?" his eyes widen and all the colour drains from his face.

I grasp his hand with my bloody one and inhale deeply not knowing which breath would be my last, "Amy stabbed me. Tell Jordon I love him and I love Sarah and Mike very much Danny."

Danny shakes his head and starts to scream, "SOMEONE HELP! WE NEED HELP! CALL AN AMBULANCE!"

Jorel appears around the corner, obviously alerted to the fact Danny was screaming for help.

"Cherry...shit...Danny put pressure on the wounds...I'll call an ambulance..."

Jorel rushes to my side and immediately pulls out his phone and dials for an ambulance. Danny was a sobbing mess as he did his best to apply pressure, but the blood seeped through the gaps in his fingers.

"Danny you're my best friend in the whole world..."

"Stop talking like you're going to die Cherry, you're not going to die..." Danny sobs.

"I'm going to get Jordon, the ambulance is on the way Cherry. Stay alive for your kids and soon to be husband okay?"

Jorel stands back up and rushes off towards the chapel where everyone was waiting for you to walk down the aisle and say I do.


Five minutes turned into ten which turned into twenty and still Cherry didn't walk through the double doors. Had she got cold feet and decided to run out on me? Mike and Sarah were sat in the front row next to my parents taking the whole church in, it wasn't like Cherry to run out on me without the kids.

Just then the double doors burst open and Jorel runs in looking panicked and dishevelled, and then I look down and see blood covering the front of his shirt.

"Jorel what's wrong?" George pipes up from next to me.

"Amy attacked Cherry...Danny's with looks bad..." Jorel pants, out of breath from running.

Hearing Cherry had been attacked I run down the aisle with the rest of the guys behind me.

Jorel leads us to where Danny was crouched trying to hardest to put pressure on Cherry's stomach which was now painted crimson. Danny's hands were shaking and he was struggling to keep tears back.


Paramedics rush in and push Danny aside but luckily Jorel's there to comfort him. It was like the world was playing in slow motion, I couldn't believe my soon to be wife was bleeding to death in front of me on our wedding day. This had to be a bad dream, this couldn't be real.

Knife Called Lust (Hollywood Undead) (Charlie Scene/Jordon Terrell)Where stories live. Discover now