January 29, 2019

174 11 0

Dear Diary,

             Natalie is still in the hospital. I am close to tears every time I look at her. She sometimes loses consciousness, but usually wakes up. She reminds me of my sister when she was on her death bed. We were all young, and she would always gaze outside, and ask to play hopscotch like we used to. Natalie does this too. She longs to go out of bed, and run around at her favorite park, and play with Rosie. Rosie has been having a hard time too. After losing her mother at such a young age, one can only imagine how hard it is to see your best friend in such an unstable condition. Rosie has been such a help. She's constantly asking the doctor about her, and is picking John's brain about what everything in the room does, and everything they are going to do with Natalie. I think she is going to be a great doctor just like her father.

I keep on crying, when Natalie isn't watching. She is my everything. My whole world, her and Sherlock. I can't even bare the thought of losing either of them. But I'm so afraid that the brightest light in my life is going to go out. Sherlock, though he doesn't show it, is depressed too. He was completely shocked when it happened. I remember him telling me how he wanted to take us down to his favorite restaurant for Natalie's birthday. He had made the reservations, and I had a dress picked out for Natalie. I remember him mumbling to himself about how he felt like his entire world was crashing in front of him. I kissed him, and felt a small tear drip onto my shoulder. After he had gotten a family, he finally started showing some emotion.

It's really touching how so many people have shown up to visit Natalie. Lestrade, Mrs. Hudson, John and Rosie, (They come is constantly.) and the list goes on. Even Mycroft came in for a little bit! It's really beautiful how many people care about our little sunshine. She's only 4, and she is going through so much.

I had an idea. Natalie's birthday is the day after tomorrow, and the doctors are hoping to get her out by the end of this week. I thought,  why don't we have a party for Natalie, even if she is in the hospital bed? It could raise her spirits, and even make her survive. I asked the doctor, and she says that it is even encouraged. As long as she isn't overwhelmed, and the cake is checked, we are allowed to! I went out to buy the chemistry set she's been wanting. Focusing on the party got my mind off of the obvious reality.

I sent Mrs. Hudson out to get decorations, and me and Sherlock went into Natalie's room, as she was going to get a shot. She squeezed our hands, and I saw Sherlock flinch. Natalie was freakishly strong. Sherlock and I went to ask the doctor about Natalie's status, while Natalie and Rosie played an intense game of trivial pursuit. 

"So, is she doing okay?" I asked  nervously.

"Well, it's hard to say. She seems in stable condition, but it's very odd that she keeps slipping in and out of consciousness. It's a weird sort of state, so I'm going to get back on you on that," answered the doctor.

"Um, Molly, can I have a word with you?" asked Sherlock, looking nervous. 

"Uh, sure, what do you need?" I asked, getting scared. Sherlock is barely ever nervous, and if he is, he hides it, and hides it well.

"Well, it's just that when I was fighting with Moriarty, he kept on saying something that I thought I understood, but I think I get it now," muttered Sherlock, starting to sweat. 

"Sherlock, you're making me nervous. Tell me, what was he saying?" I demanded. This was serious, and I couldn't let Sherlock not get it out.

"Well, he kept on repeating this phrase. In and out, in and out, in and out, and when you least expect it, finally, out...I thought it just had something to do with my life at Uni, but I'm pretty sure that it has something to do with Natalie, and her consciousness," Sherlock recited.

"Oh my God... Sherlock, we have to tell the doctor now, this could cause Natalie's life," I said, pulling Sherlock up. He did so, and we sprinted across the hall to find the doctor. We told him what had happened, and here is his response:

"Okay, so I'm going to go run some tests. You're Sherlock Holmes right?" asked the Doctor.

"Of course," replied Sherlock.

"Well then go to your flat, and investigate," said the doctor, running off to get a test ready. I went to sit with Natalie, and explain everything that was happening to our friends. I am so nervous right now. I was sure it was just some childhood disease, but now it's much more serious. I'm getting nervous, and Sherlock is taking a little longer than usual, and I don't want to lose my beautiful daughter. I just couldn't live with myself if she leaves us. Let's pray for Natalie Holmes.

                                                                                                                           -Molly H

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