January 30, 2019

346 12 0

Dear Diary,

         It was Natalie's birthday today, and obviously, the party was put off. They ran a few tests, and found a few cuts on Natalie's fingers. I remembered her getting them when one of her bottles broke from her chemistry set. They think that an infection may have happened when she got the cut. I told Sherlock about them, and he is testing the shards. Natalie looks worse than ever. She sleeps constantly, and the bright sunshine in her eyes have been blocked out by clouds. Rosie was freaking out, and refused to leave her side. The beautiful bond between them both is something I didn't want to see be lost. Without one another, they would be devastated. Natalie's heartbeat is becoming slower by the hour. I'm cry by her bedside, because I can't bear to lose her. She is my whole world. And I know that because Sherlock has so many enemies, our lives could constantly be at stake. And I know this is going to sound cheesy and all, but for love, it is all worth it.

Sherlock scanned the shards, and he found poison on them. It was a type that would go unnoticed, and would be slow to kill. Exactly what Natalie is going through right now. He informed the doctors, and they are trying to find a cure. 

When Natalie is conscious, I try to make her happy. Tell her things to look forward too, and try to make her laugh. I  want to give her reasons to live, an sometimes, that is what saves a person's life. I don't want her to think that all she would be living for, would having to be locked in her room. 

This is where things start to get a little scary. Me and John got a text from Sherlock, which read:

Come to Baker Street now. I need backup. Moriarty is the cause.


Usually, I would think it was just that he needed help figuring out what he needed to finger to get the right note on his violin, but I knew, that it was more than that now. Me and John bolted to Baker Street, and threw the cash at the cabbie. We ran into 221B, only to find, Sherlock facing Moriarty. I froze, and made eye contact with Moriarty. I hated him even more than when we had broken up. I saw a monster, who was out to kill my daughter. I wanted to see that monster whither and die.

"Sherlock tell me how this man got into my daughter's chemistry kit?" I asked, trying to hold back from punching him.

"Well, it all started when Moriarty came to our flat, discussing how he survived. When I was making his tea, he grabbed one of Natalie's bottles from the floor, and continued to douse it with the poison. He knew that it was heavily used, and was wearing out. It could easily graze across her skin, and cause her to fall in and out of consciousness, until death. It is nothing we could have notice, as the poison is practically invisible, and takes days to come into action," deduced Sherlock. I couldn't stand it anymore. This monster was out to kill my only daughter, and I was done with him. I ran up to him, and he said this:

"Molly, you look worse than when we split. Is it because you married a high functioning sociopath?" That was when I punched him. I kicked and slapped and did whatever I could to cause pain. He didn't fight back. "You know I'm only not fighting back because you are a woman?"

" Just because I am a woman, and I care about my husband and daughter, does not mean that I cannot kill you, and make you pay," I threatened, beating him up. I bit him, punched him, and tried to strangle him. Once he looked beat up enough, I let him go. 

"Get this spider out of our flat," I said. I already saw Sherlock calling Lestrade to come and take him away.

"Molly, I really didn't know you had it in you," said John, happily surprised.

"Well, I didn't either. I guess it's simple when you just have rage and sadness building up inside you, it gives you this power to just take it out on someone you hate. And goodness, did it feel good," I muttered. We headed back to the hospital, and this was when we got the happy news. A cure was found, and Natalie was supposed to make a complete recovery! I was overjoyed, and wanted to kiss the doctor. I looked at my beautiful sleeping daughter, and couldn't wait to see her smile again.

We are planning to have the party tomorrow, as they still want to keep her for one more day. I'm almost as happy as when Sherlock confessed his love to me. I can't stop smiling, and I feel as if I could jump to the moon and back.

                                                                                                                                            -Molly H

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