January 27 2019

215 12 3

       Dear Diary,

          It's been about a week and a half, and the scenario is finally cleared up, and we can finally leave Natalie's room! Natalie is overjoyed, and her smile is so beautiful. She's made about a million chemicals from her chemistry set from Christmas. I've seen her eyeing a new and better one. She has been running out of materials and has broken about 3 of her beakers and bottles. I help her with some of my materials, but I can tell she would rather work by herself. Being in Natalie's room for so long without Sherlock, was like being suffocated. When I kissed him after getting out, it was like getting my air back. I got ready for bed, but none of us slept. We just kept on talking and talking. I guess it makes sense since we've been away so long.

"So, what was this case about? And why did it take a week and a half?" I asked.

"Well, it was interesting. Moriarty was pulling different tricks, and kept talking about both of you, especially Natalie.  He kept on saying a lot of things like I shouldn't be a father, and that I was going to fail. Then he offered me poison, and other weapons, so that, well...I guess you would know. I was just so scared I kept you in more so that you would be at lower risk to just walk into his hands. So, yeah... It was hard without John. However, I did think he was going to pick at Rosie with him, so it was probably for the best I sent him home," said Sherlock, squeezing my hand. "So how was everything while I was away? Is Natalie OK? She seemed very happy to be out of her room," asked Sherlock.

"Well, she seems fine. She would just sometimes breathe heavily, but I think she is fine. I think we should get her a new chemistry set for her birthday. I know it's a little expensive, but I think she deserves it with everything she's been through, and her birthday is coming up," I replied. 

"Okay, but we should keep an eye on her breathing, that could mean something. It might have just been the captivation, but you never know. My god, I've missed you both so much.Before I had you both in my life, I would spend so much time on these cases, but now that you're here, I have to actually balance my time,"said Sherlock. 

"Oh, that's sweet," I said, kissing him. "Why don't you say good night to Natalie, she's missed you."

"Okay, but let me give you this," said Sherlock, kissing me passionately.

"Well that was the best present you could get me," I said smiling. Sherlock went on to tell a bed time story to Natalie, and I saw them hug. I guess I finally got my dream family after.

The next day, we were all just having breakfast, when Natalie started breathing heavily again. We tried to get her medicine, but then, something scary happened. She had a seizure, and fainted. We rushed her to the hospital, and they hooked her up to an oxygen tank. I am so scared. I am still here. I will tell you more later, as the doctor is calling us. Lets pray for her.

                                                                                                                         -Molly H

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