January 20th, 2019

347 14 8

Dear Diary,

Natalie is now 3 years old, and I couldn't be happier, and more stressed in my entire life. I stay at home most of the time, because Sherlock doesn't really know how to take care of a child, and, well-I've always wanted to. I cherished all the times I got with Rosie before I had Natalie, and when I did have Natalie, I was, and am so very happy. Almost as if a huge hole in my life has been filled with her, and Sherlock. However, something has been worrying me more than ever now-money. I am the one who actually makes money right now, and some days, Sherlock comes home with load of it from people saying thank you, and others, he will come with nothing at all. Some would say to just put Natalie in day care, but I just can't do that. I worry all the time. After seeing how Mary died, and how harshly it left Rosie, I realized that now that I am married to Sherlock, this means that I am more likely to die. But I can't leave Sherlock. I love him too much, and I can't do that to Natalie.

Do you know why we named Natalie that in the first place? Well, as you know, Sherlock humiliated me, and kissed me, at a Christmas eve party. I didn't even care that he had humiliated me, but that kiss meant the world. Natalie means Christmas, so it simply seemed perfect to name her that. She, and Sherlock are the two brightest lights in my life.

I was feeling a little under the weather today, so I decided to call in sick. Lestrade typically understands, so he was kind enough to let me take a sick day. He was so nice to me, which is why he is one of my greatest friends. I texted John, and asked him if I could pick up Rosie from Mrs. Hudson, so that the two could have a play date. It was practically destiny that the two would become best friends, and they already are.

After their play date, I went down to get lunch for the two of us. I bought Natalie a small sweet, just for the fun of it. It was the last one, and the person next in line was recommending it to me. We had a nice lunch, watched Beauty and the Beast, had dinner, until it was time for Natalie to go to bed. That was when I got a text from Sherlock.

It's a code M. Unaware of how long it will be. Make sure you stay in Natalie's room until I say it's safe. I sent John home to lock down with Rosie. Love you


Code M meant Moriarty was on the loose. I threw out the sweet, worried it might be poisoned, and took Natalie to her room. We had made sure that her room was the safest room. After we had her, Sherlock's 'enemies', we knew, would find Natalie as an easy way to get to Sherlock. There was already a tiny bathroom connected, and there was a small mailbox-like thing that Mrs. Hudson could slip food and water into. We made sure that the windows were bullet-proof, and did so many other precautionary measures you wouldn't believe.

"Mummy, please don't make us stay in my room again," Natalie pleaded, beginning to cry. "I don't want to stay in here a week like last time, and not see Rosie, and Daddy, or go outside for a long time."

"Oh honey," I said taking her into my arms. I tried to think of a good response. It can be difficult for a young girl to go through all this. This poor girl has gone through so much she shouldn't have. One day, Sherlock left one of his files on the table, and Natalie got curious. She grabbed the file, took one glance at a picture, and couldn't sleep for a month. She barely ever gets to see her father, and can't use things that would help her enhance her incredible mind. As you would have guessed, Natalie is very smart and it doesn't take her long to find out where her father really is. "It's not all that bad. We can have more tea parties, read stories, and have some fun!" I said.

"I know. But this means I won't get to see Daddy. I don't want him to go work with that stuff," said Natalie, sobbing.

"Sweetie, Daddy isn't going to get hurt. He's done this a million times, even before you were born. Besides, Rosie has to do this too," I replied.

"Do you think she could come stay in my room?" asked Natalie. I wished I could say yes, but after we had locked down, we couldn't leave. Besides, we couldn't let Rosie go out in the open for even a second. Being married with Sherlock came with it's consequences.

"No honey. She and John are having some personal time, like you and me are doing," I said. Natalie started to calm down. I started a game of memory to get her mind off of it, and of course, she won.

It's been about a week since then, and we are still in the room. Sherlock has been keeping me posted, but I am starting to get nervous. The longest we've been in here is one week, and we are just about to pass that. I miss him so much, and I long for him to come home. But I have to stay positive. I can't let Natalie get too worried. Thanks for putting up with me.

-Molly H

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