January 31, 2019

291 12 1

Dear diary,

Today is Natalie's party, and I could not be happier to see her smiling. She is still in her hospital bed, (the doctors wanted to keep her one more day) but that didn't stop her from going back to her amazing personality. Once everyone showed, the celebration of her 4th birthday commended.  Rosie sat right next to Natalie on her bed, and they hugged for a really long time. One can only imagine how hard it must be for Rosie. She lost her mother at such a young age, and she had to sit through her friend dying. Thankfully, she didn't have to deal with another loss. Everyone had lunch of peanut butter and jelly, (Natalie's favorite) and Lestrade nearly spilled his tea over getting a text from Anderson saying, Where are you?  and John suggesting he texted back get a life! Everyone was having a great time, but they practically suffocated Natalie from getting so many hugs and kisses. I started thinking about the day before, so I planned on talking to Sherlock about it after we left the hospital.

Next, it came to presents. Everyone was so generous, and Natalie's eyes lit up with every gift. Most of them were books, and I wasn't surprised! John got her a book on medical information, and Mrs. Hudson was so sweet to get her a doll. Greg got her the Oxford dictionary, that Natalie had been begging for. Her and Rosie looked up ships, and she said this,

"Hey mum, dad look at the definition of ship! To wish for two people to have a relationship, example sentences 'I will always ship Sherlock and Molly'  I guess you two were always meant to be together if it is in the Oxford dictionary!" exclaimed Natalie, giggling with Rosie.

"I suppose it is," Sherlock said, kissing me. It was time for us to give Natalie the gift we had gotten her. Obviously, we couldn't get her the chemistry kit after what had happened. So, since Natalie had always said that she wanted to learn how to deduce, Sherlock found her a Beginners to Deduction  book. She was still very excited, but I was going to give her something so that even if I or Sherlock were put in danger, she could always remember us.

"Natalie, I'm going to give you something very important, that you must not lose," I said sitting down on Natalie's bed.

"Okay, what is it?" She asked, putting her book away.

"It's a very special necklace. It has a picture of me, and dad in it. It's in a heart because we will always love you. No matter where we are, even if we are past this universe, we will still love you," I whispered, tying the chain around her neck.

"And I will love you too, even if it is beyond this universe, or even just below at Speedy's," Natalie answered, and we both laughed. The party kept going until the girls dozed off while reading, and looked so peaceful, and satisfied. Me and Sherlock decided to check Natalie out of the hospital. We carried her out, careful not to wake her up. When we were in the cab, I asked the question I had been thinking about.

"Sherlock...isn't Moriarty dead?" I asked quietly.

"You know I was thinking the same thing. I think that wasn't the last we are going to see of Moriarty. He's going to keep on with things like this until we can piece together how he did it. But right now, the first is done, and we have to be more thankful that our beautiful girl is alive. Natalie is going to face a lot in life, just because we are her parents. But that should not stop us from being the best parents we can be to her, to whatever cost that may be. Lets cherish this now, for there might not be a later," said Sherlock, kissing Natalie, then me.

We tucked Natalie into bed, and seeing her not in that hospital bed gave me so much joy. And one thing is for sure, whether Moriarty likes it or not,

Natalie Holmes is back in 221B Baker street.

                                                                                                                                                   -Molly H 

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