luvjack Part 3

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matt: day 1


mark: jaack

jack: whaat

mark: I love you?

jack: why did you ask me if you loved me

matt: he was essentially asking you if you loved him back

jack: oh...

jack: I love you too mark

ryan: I can hear him crying from over here

jack: oh mark i'm so sorry. I didn't know what that meant I'm so stupid. I'm sorry.

mark: no no jack they're tears of happiness

jack: oh sorry

mark: stop saying sorry hun your not doing anything wrong

jack: ....sorry...

mark: we'll work on that

ken: awwwwwwwww

felix: awwwwwwwwwwww

marzia: awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww

molly: ok marzia we all know your a fangurl but really calm down

marzia: ok

wade: why are we awing again

mark:shut up wade

jack: you guys really don't need to aw at us

mandy: why

jack: cause only one of us is cute and it sure as hell ain't me

mark: jack honey your the cutest of all of us

wade: awww

bob: wade not now

wade: oh

mark: you are the most beautiful being I have ever seen sean

jack: don't call me sean

mark: why

jack: that's what my mom calls me when she needs something

mark: like what

jack: like Rum or cigarettes

mark: jack does she do anything like my mom does

jack: yeah

jack: I need to go don't wait up

mark: jack wait

jack: what mark?

mark: what was the last thing your mother did to you?

jack: mark I need to go now

mark: ok i love you

jack has left chat

mark: do you guys think he's ok

matt: mark I think he'll be fine

ryan: yeah

amy: why do you guys care so much

amy: when i was going through a lot you guys ignored me

amy: jack's just the first asshole willing to take my place in marks heart (I'm sorry amy I love you I don't want you to be the bad guy. Ily)

mark: get OUT!

amy: make me

mark has blocked amy

wiishu: is she still in love with you mark

mark: possibly, but I want you to know you two will always be my friend no matter what she or you do because I care about you both deeply

wiishu: thank you but I think amy wants me. kick me out of the chat or block me I don't care which just do it

mark has blocked wiishu


matt: no relationship

(Again I love Amy and Wiishu. they are my queens to go with king Markiplier and king Jacksepticeye. they are the most beautiful women on earth and they get to make mark and jack happy so I hold them on a pretty high pedestal. If you don't respect them in the comments after this I will kick you off my book. I love you all. Thank you for reading. Good Bye.)

kik~{septiplier} 《UNDER EDITING》Where stories live. Discover now