The Capture

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Was this it, we lost the list of the superheroes and it was all my fault. I had no idea it would end up like this, but I wasn't going to let these Shapeshifters win and neither was anyone else. I stood by Douglas while everyone else went to grab the list from Reese. Douglas was weak and was losing breath. I grabbed my phone and called Mr. Davenport, though he didn't answer so I left a message saying, " We have a problem, I'm sure you already know, but I messed up and now Rodissius and his family are terrorizing the city...." I began to tear up as I then said,"And now Douglas is dying because of me, please we need your help." As I hung up I heard someone behind me, he said my name, "Chase?" The voice was familiar so I turned around and there I saw my brothers (Leo and Adam) in their mission suits. When I turned Leo quickly ran over seeing Douglas on the ground unconscious. He shouted, "Douglas?!" Adam followed him and laid his hand where his pulse should be. He noticed it was weak and called for backup. "We need an ambulance quick," he said to the Bluetooth in his ear. Leo turned to me and said with a worried expression, "Chase what happened?!"

"Rodissius has the list," I responded with a furious attitude.

"Who's that?!" asked Leo curiously.

"Roman and Riker's father."

"How did he get a hold of the list?" Leo asked. I looked down and didn't say anything till Leo said, "No, Chase what did you do?"

"There was a girl and I let her get too close."

"Chase I told you, no girl is ever going to like you.." said Adam patting my back. I glared back at him and walked away in an irritated mood. Leo looked back at Adam and said, " You're not helping.."


"Adam, can you get a hold of Davenport? While I go talk to Chase." Adam nodded his head as Leo left to follow Chase.


We arrived in the middle of town looking for Reese. She appeared behind us and blasted Bree from behind.

"Bree!" I shouted leaning over towards her. Reese smiled and said, "That was for my father!" I helped Bree by pulling her to her feet. She was a little dizzy, but still able to stand. I stared her down as the rest of her brother's and sisters came swarming in.

We all stepped back trying to get away, but they cornered us. Roman and Riker then came out of the shadows and knocked us to the ground.

We woke up in a cell of some kind of lair. I tried using my powers to break free, but it was no use my powers were useless. Riker came in laughing and said, "Don't even try, the cell you're in deactivates your powers and Bionics. Kaz looked at Riker with terrified eyes and said, "Riker stop.. You don't want to do this.."

"What do you know about what I want?!"

"We don't, but we know you're better than the others Riker," Oliver added.

Riker didn't respond he just stood there, staring them down with hate. Roman then walked in with one of the Superheros Caduceo also known as Horace Diaz. Roman looked to his brother and said, "Are these hero's bothering you?" Riker angrily looked back at us and answered with, "Not at all." Riker then looked to Horace and grabbed him by the neck. "Horace!!" we all shouted except Bree. She never knew Horace like we did, but she was just as terrified.


Leo walked over to me he was worried for me, but all I could think about was the fact that, "This was all my fault."

Leo kneeled down to me and said, "Chase you know Adam was just being his usual self, he didn't mean to upset you."

"It's not about Adam," I responded with a defined frown on my face.

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