The Power to Fight

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I tried going back but Skylar pulled me away shouting, "Chase don't!"

"No I will not leave my sister behind," I said urgently.

"Chase we will go back for your sister I promise, but we can't help her if we're captured too!" Skylar reasoned.

"Guys Come on!" Shouted Leo. I looked back towards the lair not wanting to leave my sister behind so I ran towards the window and jumped straight through it but by the time I got there everyone was gone, it was too late. We headed back to the hospital where Douglas was located at. As we entered the room we saw Davenport and Tosha, and Adam on the other side next to the doctor. They were looking distinctly worried for Douglas. Kaz curiously looked at both of them in confusion and asked, "What did we miss?"

"Douglas is in a Coma, " responded Davenport under some distress.

"What!? We all shouted in shock.

"For how long?" Skylar asked urgently.

"A few weeks, maybe a month to a year we don't know," said the Doctor. We all looked at one another in distress wondering if he was ever going  to pull through, though we may never know. My sister is all I can think about. Then I thought what would Davenport say if he found out. This is all my fault and now my sister is in danger because of me. I turned to everyone in distress, then ran out of the room and shouted, "No, I'm not letting them win!"

"Chase!" the team shouted.


It was dark and I could not see a thing. I called out to the team hoping they would hear me. "Skylar, Chase, Kaz, Oliver!" But nothing all I could hear was the echo of my own voice.

"Don't even try," said a voice behind me I turned around to see that it was Reese standing behind me. "You're underground they won't be able to hear you. No one can," she said smiling viciously.

"Where am I?!" I demanded for an answer.

"Nowhere you need to be concerned about," she responded. I tried using my abilities but the handcuffs were neutralizing my powers, plus my Bionics. She smiled and walked away while I was left there handcuffed to the wall. Left alone in a dark underground dungeon, Rodissius, and his children carried on with their plan to take down the superheroes. They all were gathered around the table plotting their next move.

"Father!" said Reese just walking in.

"Reese," he said smiling with open arms. "News on the Bionic girl?" he questioned.

"She's locked up in the dungeon as you asked," responded Reese.

"Splendid, now we can use her as a weapon against the rest of the Elite Force."

"How do we plan on using her as a weapon?" asked Riker. Rodissius then held up a serum that he stole from the hospital after The Annihilator was destroyed.  The serum is a device that gives you the power of Control,"With this, tonight my children we get our revenge."


Chase just walked away. Okay... I looked curiously at Skylar in confusion. "He's going after Bree!" She shouted about to run after him. "Bree, Where is Bree?!" asked Mr. Davenport realizing she wasn't around, "She was captured by Rodissius right after we escaped," I said looking at Davenport.

"What!? Ok Skylar, go get Chase before he gets himself hurt!" Davenport shouted in worry. "And what do we do?" I asked."Go help her then meet me back at Mission command with Chase," said Davenport. We all then ran after Chase, Skylar was the first to reach him. She used her super speed and grabbed him by the arm."Skylar let go!" Chase shouted with discomfort.

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