Betrayed Betrayer Part 2

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As we were fighting Rodissius's children, unexpectedly the students from the Island fell onto the ground all at once.
" What's happening?!" I shouted over to Davenport.
"Oliver and Kaz must have disabled the Triton App," Davenport mentioned.
"No!!" Shouted Sebastian. Then from out of the blue, Chase slams his laser bo towards Sebastian.
Sebastian then instantly dodged his hit, pushing him back with his Red Laser Bo as he shouted, " "You will never defeat me!"
"Yes, I will!" Shouted Chase.
Then in an instant, Bree came in, throwing both Sebastian and Chase back.
"Yes! My champion! Destroy them! Destroy them all!" Shouted Rodissius towards us.
I noticed then for a second glance Reese looked over to Bree with jealousy. Though as I looked back Bree is marching towards us steaming with rage.
"Bree think about this, we are Best friends remember."
" You said I wasn't your Best friend, Crossbow was." Bree pointed out looking to Crossbow.
"That's because your not my Best friend, you are my sister. I'm still not used to the whole sister thing you humans are use to but I'm willing to try if you are." I addressed handing my hand over to Bree.
Though all Bree did was just stare, till she finally spoke, "I'm not here to kill you. I'm here to kill him!" She shouted pointing over to Rodissius.
"What!?" Rodissius shouted in shock as Bree blasted him with her Thermo Nuclear Body Blast.
"What is she doing?" I shouted in confusion as she approached Rodissius who was limping off the ground.

As we awoke Bree was gone. I then ran straight over to Oliver who was still passed out and shouted," Dude get up Bree is gone!" Oliver and Riker then slowly pulled themselves up. As we all began gazing around. "Where did she go?! Oliver questioned.
" I think I know," Riker admitted gazing over to the window.
Oliver and I then looked over to Riker in a complete loss.
"Where is she then?"
"At the Centium bridge," Riker mentioned.
"She's going to kill the Superhero's!" Oliver discovered.
"It's not just the Superhero's she wants to kill.."Riker pointed out.
"Rodissius, she is going to get herself killed," I shouted.
"It won't come to that come on we can catch up to her," Oliver said as he flew himself straight threw the window as Riker and I followed.

It was time, I was determined to take out Rodissius and the rest of the Superhero's who are willing to protect this pathetic place. As much as I hate to admit they were right, I don't need him. He stripped me of my freedom and this is something I can never forgive.
" What are you doing! You work for me!" Rodissius shouted in frustration trying to pull out every breath he had left.
"Correction, I did work for you!" I shouted as I was about to finish him, his children then gathered around me giving me a threatening look.
"Don't move speedy!" Shouted Roman.
" Or What?" I shouted testing them.
" Oh, I think you know!" Said Reese as they were about to make their swarm Oliver and Kaz came flying in, shouting, "Bree get out of there you can't take on all of them at once!!!"
Suddenly I felt a pull on my arm. Riker appeared out of nowhere and yanked me out of harm's way. We all then saw all twelve of them make the biggest swarm ever created. They collided together all at once creating what looked like a tornado.

"That is a big dust bunny, " Kaz pointed out in surprise as he made eye contact towards Oliver shouting, "Oliver quick you have to use your cryo blast!"
" I don't think my ice powers are strong enough to take out this big of a swarm."
"Would if you were to collide your powers with Snow Storm's!" Kaz shouted pointing over to the Super Hero Snow Storm.
"Snow Storm we need you!" shouted Oliver.
Snow Storm heard Oliver and quickly moved to his side. If I was still on Rodissius's side I would have stopped this by now but his children are standing in my way.
Both Oliver and Snow Storm then stood side by side as they aimed their power towards their swarm though their power wasn't strong enough to hold the twelve of them they needed one more person.
"Bree you have power replication! You can triple the power by touching Oliver's hand!!" Kaz shouted.
"She does?!" Skylar questioned.
"Why would I help you!?" I shouted in question.
"Because if you believe it or not you need us to defeat Rodissius! You want your freedom then help us and we will help you."
"Fine!! Though just remember I'm not doing this for any of you." I said as I touched Oliver's hand.
"Now what?!" I questioned over the loud swarm above us.
"We have to combine our ice powers to create a strong enough hold on their molecular structure!" Oliver shouted over the swarm.
"Ok.." I said somewhat understanding.
"Now!" Oliver shouted as all three of us collided our powers together throwing it onto the swarm. As we saw the ice spread throughout the swarm Oliver shouted in excitement, "Guys it's working, keep going!"
Chase woke up after being knocked out and began staring towards us in amazement.
We then used all the force we had left in us to freeze the swarm all at once.
As the ice finally made it around them the swarm stopped. As it began to fall it made its way towards Sebastian. Without even thinking Chase quickly threw up his hands stopping the swarm from falling onto Sebastian.
"Chase you have super strength!?" Skylar shouted in surprise.
"Oh come on!" Adam shouted in frustration.
Chase then gently lowered them away from Sebastian and onto the ground.
Sebastian gazed up to Chase in shock, "You saved me..."
As they all looked at one another in success, I made my way towards Rodissius.
Rodissius gazed over to his children who were still stuck in solid ice and balked in terror as he yelled, "Nooo...."
"Your reign is over. It is now my turn." I declared as I used my Electrokinesis and flashed it threw his body.
"Bree Noo!" Chase shouted towards me.
"Let her do it, it's the only way," Oliver said pulling him back.
Unlike the last time, I only stun him with my power though this time I wasn't looking to stun him I was looking to kill him. So I made a force so strong that it pulled the life force out of him.
As I released he began screaming in agony and sunk to the ground lifeless. Though without even realizing it, I felt a huge wave blast through me, causing me to fall to the ground.

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