When Good Turns Evil

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We arrived at the borderline of Centium City, but with no sign of getting into the dungeons. We then saw Chase appear on the far right from us with Bree in his arms. Skylar was the first to notice her and shouted, "Bree!" The rest of us followed. As Davenport got down to Bree's level he looked up at Chase and asked, "What happened to her?"

"I don't know Rodissius plunged some type of device in her and now she won't wake up," said Chase with a worried expression.

"Let's take her back to mission command and run some tests," said Davenport looking at Chase. Oliver then came over and grabbed Bree from Chase's arms as Skylar super speed them back to mission command.

As they reached to mission command Oliver set her down gently on a table as Davenport strapped some type of device onto her arm. I curiously glanced towards him as I asked, "What is that?"

"It's a device that is supposed to detect into her bionics to see if they messed with her system." As the device responded as positive Bree jumped up, blasting the device off her arm with her thermal blast.

" Bree, what are you doing?" Chase questioned in terror as Bree approached him with anger in her eyes.

"Just following the Master's order to destroy you and every superhero out there," she said blasting us again and zoomed out of mission command.


We blacked out after Bree blasted us. I woke up shortly after seeing Leo running in panic. Sadly I was the only one to wake up. "Skylar what happened!?" questioned Leo seeing everyone on the ground still unconscious.

"Bree, I think Rodissius is controlling her she is not herself."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean she attacked us and called Rodissius her master."

"Well, we have another problem..."


"We tried gathering the students together from the Academy, but we were attacked by shapeshifters. Now my brothers were kidnapped and I can't find them anywhere."

"Adam?" I questioned.

"And Daniel...."

"Ok, just help me wake everyone else up."

Leo went straight to Davenport as I made my way towards Oliver and Kaz who were passed out next to one another.

"Big D!" shouted Leo softly slapping his cheek.

"Oliver, Kaz!" I yelled but they didn't hear me.

I then shouted again,"Guys!"

They then sprinted up as Leo slowly helped Davenport. Chase woke up on his own freaking out about what just happened.

"Where's Bree?!" he shouted.

"I don't know she left after blasting us," I answered.

"Big D, Roman, and Riker took Adam and Daniel!"

"What!?" they all yelled in shock.

"Where is the rest of the Academy?" questioned Davenport.

"I don't know they all vanished after the attack, probably in hiding."

"Find a way to contact them I need to know they are safe and everyone else," Davenport said as he continued,"Chase, I need you to locate Adam, Bree, and Daniel wherever they might be."



There are times wish I knew what I was going on with me but this time it's different. I don't know what I was feeling anymore all I feel is vengeful against my family, wanting to watch them die a slow and painful death. I didn't understand why I felt this, I also didn't want to it was too much. I came back to Rodissius seeing both my brothers in handcuff next to him on the floor strapped to a pole.

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