Betrayed Betrayer Part 1

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I finally was able to connect to Bree's Chip, shutting her down verbally; though it wasn't enough. Not too long after, Rodissius came roaming in with a second remote on hand.
"Nice try Bionic Boy," Rodissius mocked.
Reese then quickly unfroze the superheroes, trying to use the device (Triton App) on the superheroes. Instantly causing it to flashback on her as I planned. As Rodissius watched his daughter fall to the ground, he stared back at me with aggravation which caused him to run straight over to her and shouted, "Reese!" I suddenly then flashed myself behind him and pounded him onto the ground trying to grab the remote. He threw me off just about to pressed the button. I eyed him in fear, yelling at the top of my lungs, "No!!!!"
Rodissius was then instantly thrown back as the remote flew out of his hand and onto the ground. Adam eyed me in shock, surprised to see my new hidden ability. Though honestly, I was as surprised as he was. He then let out a small chuckle, "Chase there's no need to scream like a girl."
I glared back at him as I rushed towards the remote and quickly stomped my foot on it. Suddenly in came my team and Davenport, and along with the rest of the superheroes. As Rodissius stood up from upon the ground. They all stood firm in their fighting stance, face to face towards Rodissius and his children, ready to fight.
I then stood in between good and evil, faced towards Rodissius, and said, "It's over, your outnumbered."
Rodissius then stood up on his feet as he said in confidence, "Think again." He then turned towards the entrance of the bridge where We see an army heading our way.
And just when I thought we would have a chance on winning everything fell out of place, when I saw Sebastian in control of all the students including Leo.
Shapeshifters and the one who I thought was  once my friend joining forces this could not get any worse.
"How...?" I questioned bitterly grinding my teeth.
"Did you really think you were going to keep me locked up forever?!"
"We were hoping on it.." mentioned Adam from behind us still tide up.

"You said the device wasn't working?" I curiously pointed out.

"After we used the device on the students we broke it, only to get you to come here to watch your brothers explode," Reese exclaimed psychotically.

"Wait, who are you?" Kaz questioned looking towards Sebastian."

"He was one of the students on the Island," I pointed out bitterly.

"Oh was that all I was to you, just another student on that godforsaken island. I thought we were friends Chase."
"Wait, you were friends with Chase. No wonder you were messed up," Oliver mentioned rudely... I glared at him not wanting to admit he was right. I am the reason Sebastian turned on us. I should have never told him of Crane.
"Doesn't matter, we took away his bionics." I mentioned with confidence.
"See that's where you're mistaken," Sebastian pointed out as he released his Laser Bo.
Both me and Davenport gave him an intrigued look as he continued speaking, "Guess you should of destroyed them instead of keeping them in a box." Sebastian then slammed me straight into the wall with his Laser Bo as he shouted towards the students to attack, "Now!"
Everyone began charging towards one another, while Sebastian walked over to me sternly.
"What are you going to do, kill me?" I said questioning his motives.
He then lend against me as he answered, "Oh I'm not going to kill you, he is..." Sebastian said making contact towards Leo.
"Leo!" Sebastian called as he continued looking over to me, "Do me a favor and take out Chase."
Sebastian knew I wouldn't want to hurt Leo so it would be hard for me to fight back.
Leo made contact towards me like he wanted to kill me. Sebastian gazed back with satisfaction as he strolled away, letting Leo do his dirty work.
Leo then began walking towards me as he quickly tried blasting me just as I was about to get up. I instantly then throw up my force shield as I shouted towards Leo, "Leo I don't want to fight you!"
"I guess that only makes one of us.." Leo mentioned as he tried blasting me again. I then blocked him again as he continued blasting at me.

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