Chapter 1: Starting fresh

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This was going to change your life, leaving the life behind and starting a new fresh start Watching the trees passed by in the moving bus, you can see the sign, a smile form on your face.

"Welcome to Lazytown. I've heard good things about this place." You spoke to yourself. Seeing the yellow buildings and the children playing around. You knew this was the right choice, at least you hope it did. Your thoughts were broken, when the bus stopped. Getting out of your seat and walking out of the bus, placing your bags as the bus left you. You pulled out a map to where your new how would be, fumbling over the paper, you started walking carrying your big bag. It wasn't much, but you hope your new home would be better than the last.


At the age of 25, you knew what was going to happen, find a home, a job which you've already got, but doesn't start until summer was over. Finally finding the house, it wasn't big, but just perfect enough to live in. Setting the bag down and opening the door with the key inside. You looked inside, seeing everything you ever needed. There was a couch, a tv basically anything you needed in life. According to this town, the mayor was nice and if any ne visitor came, they were given anything they needed for this peaceful town. You smiled to yourself, closing the door behind you and started walking up the steps, carrying the big bag that was making you tired. Once everything was done, with finding the bedroom and all you placed the bag down and fallen backwards onto the nice comfy bed. Simple white sheets, pillows anything you ever wanted. Still, seeing the clock right next to your bed. It was only 2:30 pm. Unpacking would take awhile for you to do. In the meantime, you looked outside.

"A jog would be nice." Jogging was something you like to do, it kept your mind from thinking of the bad times. It felt nice feeling the wind in your hair, the blood pumping, getting the adrenaline going. With that, you change from just a simple dress to a pair of dark navy sports shorts and just a plain white tank top to go with it. Changing your shoes to running shoes, with pulling the last shoelace in making them nice and tight. You didn't bother putting your hair up, it wasn't too hot out, so it shouldn't be a problem. With that, you ran down the steps and closing the door, locking it, placing the key underneath the mat for safe keeping. You began to take a nice long jog, looking around everything seem nice. Feeling the wind blowing you, you were feeling happy. You continue looking, you notice some children playing soccer. Hearing the sounds of happy children, made your heart melt. You've loved children, they were just simple and innocent. Not knowing much of the world, is a good thing, well in your mind it was. Turing your head to the side, you could've sworn you saw someone, yet not paying attention, you suddenly began to fall. Having your head hit the ground hard wasn't a good sign, yet it didn't seem that bad as you started rubbing your head. Looking up, someone must of did a good job with it. A hole, huh? You started getting up and tried jumping out, yet the walls inside the hole was too tall, even for you. You started yelling,

"Help! Is there anyone out there!" you kept going, hopefully the children you saw earlier would help you.


"Someones in trouble." he stopped playing with the children, he began to look around, hearing the sound of help. He began to run and flips over the wall, with that he found the sound. He notice the giant hole in the ground, he thought to himself.

'Must of been one of Robbie's traps, yet..' he looked around, he didn't see the taller guy anywhere. Shaking his thoughts, he ran over to the hole, looking down. He notice a young woman, her eyes filled with fear, tremble of the thought of being stuck down there, he shouted.

"Hang on, I'll get you out." with that he started finding something that he could use. You looked up seeing nobody there, yet shouted back at whoever it was.

"Okay." He looked up seeing his airship in the sky, calling out rope. With it falling down and him catching it. He ran back over to the hole letting the rope fall.

"Grabbed the rope and I'll pull you up." you only nodded as you wrapped the rope around your waist, signaling him with a tug, he began to pull. Lighting you off your feet, you can see the level ground. Before you knew it was quick as whoever was helping you out. You were standing on the ground, removing the rope that was around your waist. Finally being able to look at him, the only thoughts came to you, was this guy saved your life and well, he was...good looking. His blue hat covering just the tip of his ears, seeing some dark brown hair at the bottom, trailing your eyes down to his eyes, they were beautiful, his eyes were like ice, blue even. You notice his mustache twitched a little, you can tell he was speaking to you, yet when you finally heard him, his accent made your knees melt.

"Thank you for saving me..umm." he put his hand out, a handshake as he spoke.

"My name is Sportacus." you shook his hand, giving him a small smile.

"Names ____________, _______________. I'm sort of new here as you probably can tell." letting go of his hand, he kept staring at you, yet he pulled out something in his bag. It was non other than a apple, handing it to you. You took it and wonder why he would give you something.

"A little gift from me, a sportscandy. Welcome to Lazytown." giving you a smile. You smiled back at him.

"Thanks, but umm, would you mind telling me why there was a hole in the ground?"

"It's a long story, but if you want. We can meet up again and I'll tell you everything?"

"I would really accept the offer, and would you mind me showing around?"

"It would be my honor-" yet you notice something flashed against his chest. Sportacus looked down and muttered, "Someone's in trouble. Sorry ____________, I have to go." with that he started flipping to the direction of someone else. You wondered what on earth was that flashing thing on his chest.

'Maybe a superhero?' you thought, watching him from afar, he truly was something. A great way to start a day. Brushing the dirt off your legs, you wondered if he would find you again, he never said where he would meet you. Yet the man seem to be full of surprises. Looking at the apple, you smiled once again, before taking a small bite into it.

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