Chapter 3: Coming Around

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Sportacus helped you down from the wall as you both continue walking throughout Lazytown, visiting the stores, the shops, town hall, no wonder this small town was peaceful. You both continue talking about what they like and more about each other.

"You know Sportacus, you are a mystery to me." Sportacus looked over, he freak out a little, before changing the subject.

"We all have some, like you for example." he was catching on real fast, this caused you to stopped and ask yourself. Why were you determine to figure him out? He wasn't like 'him', yet you shouldn't be worried considering he was a hero after all. The constant worry, made you trip over your own feet. Sportacus grabbed a hold of your arm, pulling you up, you saw your lips were close to his. Causing a blush to form on your face, you pulled away from him. You can tell on his face, he too had some dusted pink on his cheeks.

"Thanks." you spoke, before someone was calling his name. Sportacus looked over seeing the major. Once he approach to the both of you, he widen his eyes with joy.

"Oh, Sportacus it seems you've already met our new art teacher for the school."

"An art teacher that's great ____________."

"Indeed, Miss ____________ I hope everything was up to standards and all and my niece oh where is she?" he spoke looking around.

"Actually, mayor Meanswell, I've already met her, she is a delight as you spoke on the phone."

"That's my Stephanie for you, always the type to not judge a book by its cover."


"Oh, I must go, enjoy your stay in Lazytown." with him freaking out and running off to the direction of the strange voice. You looked back at Sportacus,

"Is he always like this?"

"Yes, the major tries his best to please the town, even from the woman." you couldn't help, but chuckle. Than stopped cause your stomach started grumbling. "Hey why not we find some sportscandy?"

"Its interesting that you call fruits and vegetables, sportscandy."

"Well, fish is also good." he pointed it out as the two of you walk to find some sportscandy. With finding a few apples and all and began to eat them. You looked over at Sportacus, he was kind and gentle, he was brave and did not show any fear, well for the moment. Yet he was still a mystery to you, like how he never takes off his hat, or where he got the crystal, it must be magic or something, and only eating the healthy stuff. There has to be a catch, but for whatever reason, you were determine to find out, you just have to wait a little longer. He began to speak to you, yet you didn't know what he said,

"What, I'm sorry what did you say?"

"You know you are charming, beautiful even." Why was he saying this? This freak you out a bit, it was sudden, you just met him like yesterday.

" for the...compliment, Sportacus." he can tell the look on your face was adorable. Yet before you can say anything else, his crystal went off again. He was sadden that he had to leave you twice now. "It's okay, Sportacus besides I actually have to finish unpacking and all. You want to meet me there?" He nodded.

"I'll be back." with that he was off and you ended up walking home. Few hours of unpacking, you looked into the box filled with your art supplies. Grabbing a canvas and setting it on the easel. You wanted to give him something, something that could treasure. You knew it would take him some time to get here, so you sat down on the stool and began lightly drawing in pencil the idea for him.


Saving another civilian in need, Sportacus tried to hurry back as fast as he can. Yet what stopped him, was seeing Robbie on the bench. Strange, he ran up to him and sat next to him. Robbie noticed his presents, but didn't bother to say anything.

"Something wrong, Robbie?" Sportacus spoke first. Robbie folded his hands together, while muttering under his breath. "Robbie?" he asked once more. Robbie looked over the hero for a sec, before speaking.

"Whats makes her so special? Normally you would of been playing with those brats." Sportacus can tell Robbie was a bit jealous,

"Well, ______________ is unique in some way. I just can't figure her out." Robbie curled up his lip and started chuckling.

"Serious Sportaflop, you have no idea do you?" Sportacus frowned a little.

"Your point, Robbie?" Robbie unfolded his hands, getting up from his seat, Sportacus got up as well.

"____________ maybe different from anyone else, but the one thing for sure is, who will she pick?" Sportacus was getting somewhere with this.

"She will only see you as a friend, Robbie." Robbie looked back at him, standing in front of him, making him seem taller than he was.

"Don't get your hopes up. I've found her attracted, she makes me me like no one else has. But..." Robbie turned his head to the side, looking down on the ground, he knew he didn't have a chance. Sportacus will always win. "If she does pick you, I will back away. For now." with that he left him. Sportacus watched the taller man go back to his home, a smile form on his face. A challenge was accepted.   

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