Chapter 8: Returning Home

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Sportacus was the one to wake up first, looking over at you, you were just in peace. Your smile form and he couldn't help, but find you amusing. Parting some of your hair out of the way, he leaned down kissing your forehead softly. He couldn't believe he had you, he slowly got out of bed, without trying to wake up. Walking over to the windows of his ship, he saw he was close to Lazytown. He couldn't stop thinking of the man that did this to you. Glanni...he could've sworn he remember that name, if he ever did see him, he will pay. Shaking his head, he walked over to the drawns, pulling out the item he wanted to give to you. Proving himself, that you were his and no one elses.

"Sportacus..." he heard you, looking back at you he saw you were already up. He walked over to you, kneeling down on the bed, he kissed you passionately. You returned the kiss happily, breaking the kiss he sat besides you.

"I have something for you." he showed you his gift, your eyes widen, it was beautiful, it was non other than a sliver necklace with the oval shape that looks like his crystal.

"Its beautiful, Sportacus." he helped you put it on and he widen his smile.

"It fits perfectly on you."

"Why give something so precious to me?"

"It belong to my mother, who is no longer with us. She told me for whoever I love I will give this to whoever stole my heart." you fiddle with it, it sparkles in the sunlight. He than kissed your cheek, before speaking " do you feel?" he asked. You looked at him, taking his hand you squeeze lightly.

"I don't remember made me forget him. I thank you." leaning your head against his chest. Sportacus kiss the top of your head,

"I'm glad, no one should go through this. At least now.." he placed his other hand onto your chin, making you look at him. "I have you."

"And I have you." You leaned up and kissed him, Sportacus returned never wanting to be apart from this. That is, until his crystal started beeping like crazy. Breaking the kiss, he sometimes wish it didn't interrupt him at a time like this. He gently pushed you to the side, getting off the bed and started putting his shirt on.

"We are almost to Lazytown, it should only be a few minutes away. Hope the children are okay." calling the door to opened he was about to leave, when you shouted,

"Wait!" getting out of the bed, Sportacus wondered until he saw his hat in your hands. "We don't want the children to find out about this." he was right, you placed his hat on his head, cupping his cheeks you leaned in giving him another kiss. "Now go save them." giving him a smile. Sportacus chuckled with glee and ran out the door, jumping in the air he was on his way to save someone. You walked back to the bed, getting dressed, you started to think about last night. You couldn't stop thinking of what would happened if you and him went further. He made you feel good, he made you feel safe, you started lifting your shirt up a little, the scars that the man put them there were indeed gone. Letting it drop you watched the ship flew the ship into the town.


WIth seeing his airship in the sky, he was almost to her house. Sportacus did a few flips jumping over a few walls from here to there. Being only a day away from this town, no wondered everyone missed him. The ship stopped and he called for his ladder to come down, but before he could even see you again a voice called out to him. He looked over seeing Stephanie.

"Sportacus, you seem in a hurry, is everything okay?" Letting go of the ladder, he nodded.

"Everything is fine, Stephanie."

"Oh okay, but umm have you seen __________? I went by her house yesterday, my uncle wanted me to give her this." she reached in her bag and gave him the letter. Sportacus took it and exam it,

"I will make sure I will give it to her." she smiled at him, before running off and shouted.

"Don't let her go, Sportacus!" giggling away, Sportacus could only blushed, of course she would know between the two of you. Shaking his head to the side, he started climbing up the ladder and when he got to the top, he saw you waiting for him. Looking at him, you ran to him, Sportacus dropped the ladder onto the ground of his ship and grabbed a hold of you, swinging you around in the hug, you couldn't stop giggling.


"I've missed you ____________."

"It was only a few hours." letting you stand on your own feet, you poke his nose. "So anything new?"

"Well this." he reached in his backpack and pulled out the letter. Taking it you rip the top opened and began to read it.


"Whats wrong?" You kept reading the letter,

"The mayor wants to meet me in his office, tomorrow. I wonder what for."

"The mayor can be like that sometimes, probably something good."

"Yeah your probably right. Oh I should check in with Robbie. Can you-"

"Help you down, sure." he picked you help, as you held on tight to him. With going down, you felt your feet landed on the ground.

"Thank you..for this trip. It was nice seeing your home." giving him a kiss, you left him standing there. He chuckled, before heading back up in the ship.


"Robbie! Robbie! I'm home." you continue walking inside the house, searching for him. Hearing footsteps, you turned your head around, but you were being hugged.

"I've missed you." you broke the hug, seeing him. " was it?"

"Oh, Robbie it was wonderful...he was wonderful." doing a little twirl in the room. Robbie only nodded.

"So, you two are together?" you looked back out the window, seeing his ship.

"Indeed, I've never been happier." Robbie couldn't stand it anymore, but trying to be a good friend was hard enough for him. He noticed the item you were wearing, Sportacus has her and she was his,

"I'll take my leave, my home should be back in order..thanks for letting me stay." turning around, seeing him leave the room. You ran off to him,

"Robbie, Wait!" but before you could catch up to him, the door was already opened and he was gone. "Robbie..." you didn't know why he ran away so fast, yet...maybe..a phone was heard in the background. Strange, you didn't give anyone your number. Walking over to the phone, picking it up and answering it, you only heard breathing.




"May I ask who's calling?"

"......." you placed the phone down, it scared you to be quite honest, but maybe it was the wrong number. Without further adue, you started going back to your studio and get everything ready for tomorrow.


Placing the phone, down in the middle of Mayhem Town, he only grinned with delight,

"After all these years, I finally found you. Never thought you be in that town, I haven't been there, since I encounter number 9. " he only snickered, before catching a ride to the next town over. "I will see you soon, _____________." Getting in, driving to the town, an idea struck to him.

'Its high time, I meet my son, maybe he know about you.'  

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