Chapter 17: Let the Ceremony Begin

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Authors Note: This chapter contains a lemon til the end. Warning!

Finally being at Lazytown, dropping Robbie off. You stood there as he opened the hatch. Looking at him, you spoke,

"I'm sorry about your father." he looked back over to you.

"I'm glad he's gone to be honest."


"He wasn't much of a good man, at least he didn't hurt you." stepping one foot inside. You only smiled at him,

"Thank you for helping me." you walked up to him and kissed him on the cheek. Robbie saw you walk back to the airship. Saying goodbye to him, he knew this was going to be interesting for now on.


Sportacus knew tonight was the night. He dropped you off home until he would get you at night. He had to make sure everything was perfect, he knew it was going to be your first time. He didn't want to ruin it, tapping his chin. An idea came to mind, he called the door to opened and he jumped out and started running. Some wild flowers and some candles that he bought at the store. It would be warm and peaceful, he knew you would be safe. Going back to his airship, his plan was in action.


Being at home it was nice, sitting in your tub. You couldn't stop thinking about tonight. You and him, together...he will claim you as his own and you will live the same lifespan as him. You love and care for him, you had to do it for him, but you would be doing it for you. Getting out of the tub and drying yourself off, you looked into your closest for the outfit that would wow him. You often wonder about it, taking it and putting it one, it was see through and it felt light. You then put on the same pale blue dress that he took you around town. Fixing your hair letting it dry, you saw the clock. It was time. Walking down the stairs and out the door. You saw the airship, seeing the ladder falling down. You grabbed a hold of it and started climbing up. Inside you saw a candlelit dinner, you blushed and walked over it. Sitting down, you wonder where he was. You felt him kissed your head, you smiled.

"It's beautiful, Sportacus." He whispered in your ear.

"There's more where that came from." it sent shivers down your spine. He only smiled at you, before he lifted the lid up. Looking at it, it was than other than a chicken dinner, with a side of apples.

"It's delicious." he sat down and began to eat. Looking at him, he was dressed in a black suit, his hair brushed back, he was dropped dead handsome. He noticed and began to smile.

"Is it too much?" you shook your head.

"No, just perfect." with that you began to eat. When finished he called for music and it began to play, it was in his own language and it was beautiful non of the less. He got up and took your hand. You both began to dance, he placed his hand on your waist and the other your hand. You knew what you knew. You placed your head against is chest, hearing his heartbeat. Sportacus rested his chin on your head.

Lemon starts!

"You're beautiful." moving you head up, he leaned down and kissed you softly. His hands roam against your sides. Tilting your head to the side. He slip his tongue inside, battling it out, you both close your eyes. The heat began, he moved back, taking you with him without breaking the kiss. His tie was removed and so was his suit, you kick your sandals off leaving them bare. He turned you around, still never breaking the kiss. You began to unbuttoned his shirt, letting it fall to the floor. Sportacus carefully brought you closer. His hands reach the back of your dress, finding the zipper he unzipped it. The dress fell on the floor, before you could even think of what's next. You felt your legs hit something and fell back. Breaking the kiss, you opened your eyes, looking around, you saw wild flowers scatter the room, candle were dumb, which made it more romantic. The song kept playing in the background. Looking up at him, he was panting, he stared into those beautiful eyes of yours.

"ég elska þig." you spoke, he saw what you were wearing, see through indeed, but leaving the single piece of undergarment. You were beautiful in his eyes. He leaned his head down against your ear, whispering,

"ég elska þig." he than moved his head and started nipping at your neck, you softly pant, closing your eyes, he began to move his hand gliding it down to your stomach, fiddling with the string that block his entrance. Pulling it, it opened, gently his hands were, soft like before. Chest exposed, trailing small kisses down from your neck to your breasts, he placed his mouth of one of them and suck, while kneading the other. You slip out a moan, just like before. You brushed your fingers through his hair, as he work with the the other one. Trailing your fingers down to his chest, softly touching them. Sportacus could only chuckle.

"It did wonders." he knew, but he knew you were still curious and adorable as ever. You then went down to his pants, fiddling them, it was harder than it look. Sportacus noticed and he got up from his spot. Missing the feeling, you started painting the excitement in between your legs were aching for him to touch. Sportacus removed the rest of his clothing, staring at it. You thought it got bigger, Sportacus climbed back onto you, removing whatever was left, except the undergarment, he slowly remove it. Inch by inch he was teasing you a bit, you softly moan for him. Looking at it, you were already wet for him.

"You're just happy to see me aren't you?" he teased. You blushed uncontrollably. Sportacus leaned his head down there, before he inserted two fingers at a time, you bucked your head back and moan, biting your lip you felt his tongue against it. Hitting your clit, you cried out in pleasure.

"Sportacus." you called his name, pulling up, he didn't want you to come just yet. Looking down at his crotch it was already high up, using the wetness from his fingers he rubbed it on himself. You were scared, nervous he saw this and leaned back down. Poking it at your entrance, you wrapped his arms around his head, giving you a soft kiss, he stared at you and you did the same.

"This will hurt." you knew. "It will feel good." you knew again. "Are you ready?" he asked. He was so kind to ask that, the only thing you did was nod. Giving you another soft kiss, he pushed in slowly, til his shaft was fully inside of him. You started to tear it, it was too big for you. Sportacus broke the kiss, seeing you tear up, he knew it was going to happened. He kiss the tears away, he didn't move. "Tell me when." with it fully setting it, the pain passed, leaving it with a little pleasure.

"Go." and with that Sportacus started moving in and out of you slowly. You started panting, it was feeling good inside of you. Way better than what you ever felt before. Sportacus nipped your neck, while you held onto him. Pleasure started to kick in as he went a little faster. Causing you to arch your back and wrapped your legs around him.

"_________, so tight." you blushed again, you started moaning. Sportacus began to thrust harder, he found the spot that made you scream.

"There! Please!" harder and harder he went, you kept moaning his name, while Sportacus did the same. With the amount of speed he was doing, it was like a workout for him. Such pleasure, he never thought he could do it with you. You looked at him, the way he kept going, his eyes staring into yours. You leaned up and kissed him, passionately before he moved his one hand and played with your clit, causing you to moan loudly. You felt something from before, aching to be release. Sportacus can feel it too, breaking the kiss, you arched your back crying out. "I'm.."

"Me..too.." going faster and harder, he kept rubbing your clit, you began buck your hips, it was coming. Hearing him grunting and moaning, you felt it, you came for him as he did the same. Both your bodies started shaking, you can feel it filling you up. He didn't pull out just yet, with kissing you passionately, you were panting. The ceremony was complete, you were now his forever. He pulled himself out as he lifted the blanket up covering you both. Leaning your head against his chest, you looked up at him.

Lemon ends!

"Does..this mean..we are.."

"Married? Than yes." you form a smile on your face and closed your eyes, you started to fall asleep. Sportacus watched you sleep, he couldn't believe he has you. He noticed both the crystal light up, as the moon hit against them, than they died down. Brushing some of your hair out of your face, he smiled to himself. Everything was just perfect.   

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