Chapter 14: Promise Me

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Authors Note: This chapter has mild violence, just a warning. 

It's been a few days Glanni always made you do the same thing. Over and over, ne positions and more torture. Least he kept you pure, for whatever reason. Back in your clothes just finished up another routine. You looked back at Glanni putting his pants back on.

"You've been good for these past few days." turning himself around, he cupped your cheeks. You didn't flinched.

"Where...where else would I go.." he grinned and kissed you. Obeying him was the worst thing for you. Letting him kiss you like that, he broke it.

"Exactly. Though.." he began to trailed his finger from your chin down to the stomach. "Maybe it's time I put you to good use." frighten as you were, no he couldn't.

"Please...tell're promise." he looked back up at you. Sickening his grin was, he only chuckled.

"I ain't getting any younger and I said for now." walking away from you. You were now terrified. "Don't worry motherhood is a good thing...well least the brat will be mine." shutting the door behind, locking it. You sat down on the bed, holding yourself. He was going to do it, he will claim you and it will haunt you for the rest of your life. You looked over at the window and walked over to it. Opening it, it was really high up, though the bars were in the way, it didn't help at all. You sigh to yourself, you missed him, you hope he was okay. Would he even find you? Looking down, seeing the crystal hanging from your chest. It never once blinked, your eyes filled with tears as they began to fall. Holding it tightly, you whispered.

'Hurry, please Sportacus.'


Searching high and low, this would take forever, this whole town as trouble, yet even though saving people was his thing, he really needed to find you and take you back. Suddenly his crystal shine brighter, its must be you. He heard your voice, he stopped and listen to it.

'Hurry, please Sportacus.' He could only nodded to himself, he was getting close, looking around the sun was setting, night time, it would be an easy escape. Running as fast as he can, doing some flips around tall objects, his thoughts were only on you. Finally being able to find the place, hi crystal was brighter than before. He found you, looking up, he saw the other crystal shining, that's where she is. He ran up to the wall and started climbing up, reaching to your window, he was opened, but the bars were in the way. Looking inside, he saw you sleeping.

"__________, wake up!" he tried getting your attention. You woke up, fearing it was him,

"No, please." yet when you looked around, it wasn't Glanni, it was.... "Sportacus!" silently as you were, you ran to the window, his hands went through the bar and held your hands. Tears filled in your eyes, he could only smile at you.

"I found you." You were only happy to see him, "Let's get you out of here."

"The bars.." you spoke, Sportacus reached into his bag and pulled out an apple. Taking a bite out of it, he had enough energy. Tossing it, he began to pull the bars as hard as he can. You heard footsteps and began to panic, "He's coming, hurry." he saw the fear in your eyes, forcing himself to use his strength, the bars began to break, falling below. He reached his hand out and you took it. The door swung opened, you heard him,

"Get away from her!" pulling out his weapon, he pointed it at Sportacus, he fired. You ducked, letting go of his hand. Sportacus quickly moved out of the way. "You are not taking her away from me, elf!" He began to walk out of the window, he saw him climbing. Glanni was pissed off at this point, he began to follow him, shooting at the elf. Sportacus kept on dodging. You ran to the window, you had to help him, running the other way, you knew where they were going. They were going on the roof, finally being about to get on the roof. Sportacus turned back, seeing Glanni standing proud on the roof, his weapon in the air. "Don't move, elf." Sportacus stood still, a plan was forming in his mind.

"__________ belongs to no one.." he fired and missed him. Sportacus didn't move.

"I should've killed you when I had the chance." Sportacus moved his eyes over, he saw you. "I bet my useless son, let you go!"

"Robbie isn't useless." Glanni fired a second time, barely hitting the elf. You had to stop this, you had to do it. You didn't want him killed.

"You elves think you're so special. Why can't you leave everything be!" struggling himself. He could only laugh, "Maybe it's time I finished the job.." aiming it right at him. You ran, running so fast. Glanni fired the shot, Sportacus jumped the bullet missing him. Running into Glanni, moving close to the edge. You both fell, Sportacus saw this and ran,

"__________!" you held onto the edge, Glanni holding your feet. You were scared, your hands slipping, you couldn't hold onto his weight.

"Sportacus, hurry! I can't hold on much longer!." Glanni swung himself over, grabbing onto the wall, he started climbing up. Sportacus saw this, but he moved out of the way, the bullet flew by. Glanni only chuckled.

"You can't get rid of me that easily!" Standing on the roof, he saw you struggling, "__________, I could save you, but.." he pointed the gun at you.

"I obey, I let you did what you want to me..please..dont" tears fell from your face.

"Yes and it was wonderful, just couldn't work out it seems." before he turned himself, Glanni was being pushed and when it happened, he pulled the trigger. Your eyes widen, Sportacus froze in his spot, ignoring the pain. Glanni was falling, his screamed died down. He was felt Sportacus pulled you up, scrambling to your feet. Sportacus was on the ground, holding himself, blood was all over him.

"Sportacus no!" by his side, you placed your hand on his wound, his lower stomach. He never felt such pain before. You didn't know what to do, trying to control yourself. "I'm sorry, please stay with me." Sportacus lifted his hand out, pointing in the sky, you looked up, seeing Robbie. "He needs help!!" the airship landed on the roof, Robbie ran out and helped you carry him inside. Finally the airship left town, Robbie placed Sportacus on the table, blood was rushing out.

"He needs to go to the hospital."

"We can't! He's an elf, please you have to do something." begging him, Robbie was no doctor.

"I wouldn't even know where to start.."

"_________..." he called you. Went over to him, you placed your hand on his cheek. Sportacus could barely keep his eyes opened, the color in them were fading. No..

"Stay with's not fair.." tears kept falling. Sportacus tried to speak,

"'s aug...healing..pond...just..for..."

"The north? But that's like a day away, you won't survive." Robbie pointed that out, but you just had to try.

"Promise to stay with me, can the ship go any faster?" he nodded. He cried out his ship to take him back home in top speed. It did as it was told, Robbie went over you,

"I can get the bullet out, but the bleeding I can try to stop. Give me some space." You didn't want to, but Sportacus looked at you and form a small smile,

" him..." and so did you. Backing away from him, you left, leaving Robbie to do his work. Carefully taking the bullet out, Sportacus screamed in pain, Robbie actually felt bad for the poor guy. Getting the bandages that wasn't too far from him, he cleaned up the remains of the blood, before wrapping it around his stomach.

"Is he.."

"Dead.." he barely spoke, Robbie was actually happy.

"Thank you." Sportacus could only nodd to him as a 'you're welcome'. "You better hope this works Sportaflop." he knew, it wouldn't be log until they reached his home. You on the other hand, tried to calm yourself down. He promise, but seeing his eyes, didn't know how much longer he can keep up.

'Please just this once, let me have my happiness.'  

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