★ prologue ★

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The room was completely empty except for a stressed-out Sirius Black, who was pacing. His best friends were at dinner, probably laughing and having a grand time. Meanwhile here he was, running his hands through his unkept hair and sighing every now and then.

His head was absolutely spinning with rushing thoughts. He felt like he was on the verge of collapsing; there was a certain pounding in his forehead that refused to cease. He knew the source, too. Yes, of course, it was all because of him. It was all because of him with his stupid hair and his stupid smile and his stupid scars that Sirius actually loved and fuck, thinking about him is just making it worse.

Huffing in defeat, Sirius walked over to his nightstand and yanked out a drawer. Inside was nothing but a notebook that he knew was blank and begging to be filled. He grabbed the book and slammed the drawer shut after grabbing a stray quill that was lying around.

"That's it, I'm done," he mumbled aggressively under his breath. He flipped to the very first page. In scrawly, messy writing, he wrote Things I'll Never Tell You at the top of the page, before adding at the bottom, don't fucking read this. Just in case, of course. His roommates and beloved best friends wouldn't disrupt his privacy, would they?

Would they?

He flipped to the next page. His head was absolutely spinning, and his stomach was now churning with what felt like nervousness. Sirius had finally decided to transfer his jumbled and messy feelings into words on a page. Doing so felt like an enormous blow to his pride; it wasn't very manly to write in a notebook like a little girl. Sirius Black was a badass. He didn't need a diary.

But then he thought of him and realized he needed to spill his frustrations or he'd go insane. Merlin forbid he'd get too angry and tell Remus what he was feeling.

That would be a great big disaster, wouldn't it?

He flipped to the next page and began writing the things on his mind, the things he wanted to but would never tell Remus Lupin.

Things I'll Never Tell You ★ WolfstarWhere stories live. Discover now