note 11

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I love you.

Remus, I'm in love with you. From your crooked smile to your usually cold fingertips to the way you say my name, I'm completely in love with you. Sometimes I think that my world is falling apart beneath my feet but then you smile at me or you giggle and somehow I begin to believe that everything will be just fine. I've fallen for you in every way possible.

Maybe I don't know what I'm saying, maybe I'm too young to recognize real love, but maybe I'm just overthinking. I'm sure, Remus. I'm absolutely, positively sure that love is the reason why my heart soars when you look at me with a smile on your face and crinkles at the corners of your eyes. You have the power to make my heart stutter in my chest, you have the power to completely crush me, you have the power to make me believe in love again.

I've only ever heard of love in cheesy romance novels, and I always decided that it's something fictional. I never believed in sparks or butterflies or feeling your heart in your throat. But when it comes to you, fiction becomes reality, and I begin to question everything I've ever believed in.

Remus, I love you. I'm sorry.

Things I'll Never Tell You ★ WolfstarWhere stories live. Discover now