final note

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I'm so sorry. I stumbled across this notebook and I know I'm really violating your privacy but I couldn't help my curiosity. I'm so sorry, but honestly, I'm not.

I read every note.

Sirius, I am completely flattered. No one has ever called me beautiful, especially not to the extent that you have. Your notes made me the happiest I've been in a long time.

I can tell from your notes that you don't think you deserve me, and I honestly don't know where the hell that came from. Sirius, you're absolutely fucking perfect, from your messy hair to your laugh to the way you care for me when I'm sick.

Sirius, it was always you. I don't think I'll ever love someone as much as I love you.


Sirius got into his bed, ready to retire for the night. He knew his best friends were downstairs, where they wouldn't intrude or find out his secret. Of course, he used an excuse. He could tell they no longer bought it, but they left him alone.

He opened his notebook with a quill ready in his hand. He felt a strong urge to vent about Remus. His feelings were only growing stronger with the passing of days, it felt unbearable. He knew that he'd bear it, though, for Remus. All for Remus. Only for him.

He flipped to the page after the one he had previously written on, only to find a message that wasn't his. He felt his heart freeze in his chest before beginning to beat harder than ever.

He read the note with blood rushing quickly and his heart pounding. And when he got to the last line, he felt himself break, he felt tears come to his eyes.

What were the fucking odds of Remus Lupin loving me back?

Without any time to spare, he shot up from his bed, leaving the notebook open and abandoned on his mattress. Not bothering to put any shoes on he ran out the door, eyes searching desperately for three teenage boys. He ran down stairs and more corridors that he could count. The coldness of the floor seeped into his feet but he didn't mind. He was sprinting faster than he ever had before, and he didn't know if he could stop until he found Remus. His entire body was shaking with nerves and raw adrenaline. He had to find him. He had to find him.

Eventually, he came to a stop when he found a certain trio of boys outside of the Hall, and his heart stopped when he saw Remus smiling at James, engaged in a conversation. Inevitably, his feet began to move, and he ran towards Remus, who looked up a few seconds before they collided.

"Siriu—" Remus began when he saw him running at him, but he was too late. Sirius, unable to slow down and stop in time, collided with Remus, knocking them both to the floor in one grand swoop.

Remus groaned at the impact of the fall but was cut off by Sirius pressing his lips to his, which successfully left him entirely breathless. It was quick but emotional, and Remus could just tell that he had read his note.

Eventually, Sirius pulled away and smiling down at Remus, who was breathing heavily with wide eyes and shock written on his face. He resisted leaning down for another.

"I love you so fucking much," whispered Remus, his voice soft and gentle. Sirius broke out into the widest grin he had ever worn and laughed purely, his eyes crinkling at the corner with pure joy. Immediately, he went in for another kiss, and this time Remus responded. It was soft and sweet and completely pure but so filled with love and passion. They forgot for a second where they were.

Soon enough, Sirius felt a foot kick gently at his side. "Um guys, this is great and all, but can you do this somewhere else other than on the floor of the corridor?"

Sirius pulled away from Remus and stood up quickly, his smile remaining on his face. He pulled up his love from the floor. When both were up, they looked at each other and smiled, no words needed.

The four Marauders began walking back to the dorms. However this time, Sirius had his arm around Remus, where it rightfully belonged. He leaned in to his ear, and whispered a quick I love you before pressing his lips to the side of his head. Remus blushed hard, and Sirius laughed. God, he loved this boy too much for words.

Everything turned out perfectly. Sirius had Remus, Remus had Sirius, and both were so incredibly happy. In the end, it was all thanks to a little notebook.

A few weeks later, when Remus was out at Hogsmeade, Sirius grabbed his beloved notebook and grabbed a quill, his heart light from the familiarity of the actions. He flipped to the page after Remus's note, and wrote one final note.

One day, I'm going to marry you.

Thank you for reading.

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