note 2

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I love how you blush when anyone gives you attention.

I don't know if it's because you're on the shy side or if you're not used to attention, but I don't care. It's fucking adorable. Your face always glows red when a professor picks you to answer a question. If someone you don't know well initiates a conversation with you, a blush starts to spread and the tips of your ears turn red. You always complain about it and say it's such a prominent flaw. You always say that you wish it wouldn't do that.

But Merlin, I'll be damned if it's not one of the most adorable things I've ever seen. I know you'll never see this so I sound weird, but Remus, please never put yourself down like that. You're so perfectly flawed. Anyone would die a million times to be you, I'd bet.

So I mean, if you're ever wondering why I'm staring at you while you're answering a question in class, that's why. You're one adorable fucker, Remus Lupin. Never doubt that.

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