Chapter 2: Faking It

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The Brett Wells kissed me.

Students got it on video and the entire school would know in a matter of minutes.

Oh God.

The immediate regret I felt began to subside as I saw the look on Jenny's face. I had never seen someone look so pissed off in my entire life.

Her face, neck, arms and hands were red. If looks could kill, I would surely be dead. Her chest was rising rapidly as she took quick, shallow breaths in an attempt to calm herself down. It wasn't working.

This was amazing. Was it wrong for me to feel this way?

Screw it, she deserved this.

I looked over at Brett who was standing beside me, his arm around my waist, smugly. If it wasn't for his arm there, I probably would have collapsed. His smile lit up his face and he looked happy, like he was loving every minute of this. He glanced at me sideways and winked before he leaned in and kissed my cheek, the rough stubble on his jaw tickled my face as our skin touched.

He leaned back and shifted his eyes to Jenny, clearing his throat.

"Would you like us to have sex right here as well, or is a kiss enough for you, Jen?"

My mouth dropped open as soon as those words came out of his mouth. I shoved my hands into my pockets and bit my lip, suddenly very self-conscious and aware of the boy with his arm around my waist.

"Ugh!" Jenny reached out as if about to slap me, then brought her hand back quickly and stormed off with Izzy trailing behind her.

The crowd around us began to disperse but I didn't miss the look of complete awe on every student's face. I'm pretty sure mine resembled something quite similar.

I peeked up at Brett who let out a booming laugh.

He was watching me with an amused expression on his face. His eyebrows were drawn upwards and his eyes friendly, a smirk curving up the sides of his mouth. A golden lock of hair fell forwards and covered his eye. He immediately reached up and brushed it back.

I'm glad he did. I had a weird urge to reach up and do it for him and probably would have.

What the hell is wrong with me?

"So," he licked his lips as he studied my every move. Was he waiting for me to say something? I've been silent this entire time and he was watching me oddly.

"Uhm," I coughed, awkwardly averting my eyes from his gaze.

He laughed again and leaned back on the locker, running his hands through his now messy hair.

"Cat got your tongue? A subtle thank you would suffice."

I could feel my wits coming back as the anger boiled its way up inside me.

"Thank you?" I sneered. "I never asked you to do that. I could have handled myself."

Crossing my arms tightly over my chest, I stared him down. God, he was gorgeous.

"Woah," he lifted his arms up defensively, his palms facing me. "I was just teasing. Becca, is it?"

I nodded. Why would he want to help me?

"Jenny sucks, that's why. I couldn't stand back and let her do that to you."

Had I said that out loud? Dammit.

He winked again. What was it with him and winking?

"Are you alright? Becca?"

I shook my head to clear my thoughts.

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