Chapter 27: Unease

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Photo above is Jay Alvarez as Parker. Aside from some differences, I always imagined him as Park xo


"I spoke to Brett yesterday!" I called out to Cassie, my voice muffled through the closed bathroom door.

"What happened?" She called back, I could hear the surprise in her voice.

I opened the door and stepped out, doing a little spin to show her my completed outfit for Parker's family's party tonight.

"You look amazing," she breathed, her eyes and mouth open wide. I laughed at her expression, slightly offended that she was so shocked.

Parker told me the event tonight was a suit-and-tie affair, and it was important to wear something dressy that would blend in, so I did. Cassie and I went to a small boutique in town that afternoon and I purchased this dress: it was strapless, with a sweetheart neckline that was fitted around my chest and waist, then flowed down until it ended above my knee. The dress was a light shade of purple at the top, then transformed into an ombré effect, with darker shades of purple decorating the lower half of the dress, swirling in and out of each other like a sunset.

As soon as I saw it, I knew it was perfect. It was simple, yet elegant. It was the only dress that caught my eye.

I walked to the mirror and looked at myself, having trouble recognizing the person staring back at me. My hair fell in soft waves around my shoulders, with a silver clutch and heels to complete the look. I actually admired my reflection for once.

"That dress is stunning," Cassie said, her voice still sounding dazed. She ran her hand over the soft fabric and I rolled my eyes at her bewilderment.

"I hope it's enough," I admitted. "All the guests are wealthy socialites, I need to fit in." I stated, feeling nervous for the night ahead.

"You will, Becca. You look beautiful," Cassie said, making me smile. "What were you saying about Brett?" She asked, changing the subject and watching me carefully.

"We spoke yesterday for the first time in two weeks," I told her, shrugging to play it off like it didn't bother me. I didn't want it to bother me, I wanted to not be affected by Brett's distance, since I was the one that literally pushed him away, but I was. Part of me regretted it and missed him terribly, but another part told me that this space was much needed.

"What did he say?"

"He thanked me for tutoring him, he's back on the team," I said, smiling and feeling genuinely happy for him.

Brett's presence in the hallway caught me off guard. We had spent all week ignoring each other that him helping me with my books and speaking to me was the last thing I expected to happen.

"You miss him," Cassie stated, her eyes were studying my face intently, she knew I was thinking about him.

I nodded in response, walking over to my bed and sitting on the edge. "I do," I admitted to myself for the first time.

Cassie blew out a frustrated breath and walked to stand in front of me. "I don't get you two," she said. That makes two of us. "He cares about you, Becca. You know that. And you feel the same way. So what the hell is going on?"

"It's not that simple," I said, chewing on my bottom lip, a horrible nervous habit.

"Yes, it is," Cassie said matter-of-factly. "It is simple, you're just choosing to make it complicated. He punched Parker because he was jealous, because he cares about you. Don't be so hard on him for that." Her eyes stared into mine, willing me to listen carefully to what she was saying.

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