Chapter 47: Bold

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Sitting in my last period class, I was completely certain that time had actually begun to slow down - like someone took the earth and gave it a sleeping pill, making it rotate even slower around the sun.

Hurry up! I wanted to yell at the clock. For the past hour, I had been impatiently tapping my foot on the floor and not paying any attention to a single word Mr. Wright was saying. My mind was stuck on Brett like he was quicksand and I was getting dragged under.

After school today, the Bears would be playing their first game of the championship and I would be sitting in the stands, watching and waiting. Too many days without Brett have passed and I was growing tired of pretending that I was fine without him. Truth was, I'm not fine. The only time I'm remotely fine is when Brett is by my side. I was done taking him for granted.

This time apart from Brett allowed me to realize how lucky I am to have him, fighting for me and loving me in ways no one had ever done before. Sure, we had our ups and downs throughout the months, he hurt me just as I hurt him, but a relationship is never perfect. But with Brett, the good always outweighed the bad. Always.

Out of habit, I reached for my phone, wanting to listen one more time to the message Brett left me last night - the message I listened to about a hundred and one times this morning when I first noticed it on my phone.

"Hey, Becs, it's me. I'm sorry for being an asshole, I just... Can you come to my game tomorrow night? Give me a chance to make things right between us?" He paused. "I love you."

As soon as I heard it, I had typed in Brett's number to call him back, but hung up before the phone began to ring, deciding that surprising him at the game tonight would be perfect; I want him to look up into the stands and see me sitting there, cheering for him. I didn't want to miss the look on his face when he did.

Finally, an eternity later, the bell rang and I ran out of that classroom like a rocket being launched to the moon. Class was done, school was over, and it was nearly time for the football game.

Arriving at my locker, I quickly put my books inside and slung my bag around my shoulder, eager to get the hell out of here. Shutting the locker, I saw Jenny approaching me from the side of my eye, cheerleader skirt and hair bouncing in sync. I was so happy that not even the menacing scowl on her face could damper my good mood.

"Hey Jen!" I greeted her, smiling brightly as she stopped beside my locker and stared down at me, her arms crossed firmly over her chest. "Excited for the game tonight?" Okay, I was pushing it and feeling a bit bolder than normal. But seeing the look of shock on her face was making me even happier than I already was.

Reuniting with Brett and pissing of Jenny? Consider that a double win.

She arched one perfectly plucked eyebrow and looked at me as if I lost my mind which, debatably, is possible. "Brett will be at the game tonight. Right?" She asked, sighing loudly like speaking to me was draining all of her energy.

I ignored her bored demeanour and smiled kindly. "Of course. He would never let his team down." I resisted the urge to roll my eyes.

Her ruby red lips stretched into a broad grin, her face lighting up. "Perfect!" She exclaimed, clapping her hands together. "I miss seeing his sexy face at school," she finished, licking her lips slowly.

Now, I actually did roll my eyes. This girl has no shame.

"Do you ever get tired, Jen?"

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