Chapter 24: Defeat

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I felt hopeful as my eyes scanned the cafeteria for Becca, I was impatient to see her. Something changed in her this morning, something that had me grinning like a fool all damn day. 

Her eyes weren't guarded as they usually were. She didn't hesitate when I touched her, she just reacted. She leaned into me. She allowed me to wrap my arm around her. Hell, she smiled when I did and leaned in closer to me, wanting even more than I was giving her.

I. Was. So. Happy.

I passed her notes in class and she giggled like a child, reminding me of middle school. That was the last time I had a crush on a girl.

But having a crush on Becca felt so much better, it felt right. Or, maybe 'crush' wasn't the right word. What I felt for her was new to me, and I struggled to understand it. But I didn't need to understand, I felt it. I felt it every time she looked at me, every time she smiled at me. I felt it deep down in my heart and I felt like I was going to die if I didn't kiss her soon.

She agreed to let me drive her home, and then I would tell her everything; that I wanted her to be my girlfriend, for real this time. I was done with pretending. Fuck that, I needed her to be mine. For real.

Forever, I thought. Scaring myself at how right the word felt.

The door to the cafeteria opened and my heart flipped as I glanced at the door. But it wasn't Becca, it was Jenny.

I rolled my eyes and looked away, turning my attention back to the untouched food on my plate. I couldn't eat, my stomach was knotted with nerves. I kept thinking about what I would say to Becca when we were alone. How I would properly tell her everything I was feeling. I just hoped that she would understand, that she would feel the same way.

I sat at my regular table in the cafeteria, the one that has always been occupied by the football team and cheerleaders. My teammates surrounded me, talking animatedly about the upcoming game this week and deriving strategies. I felt like an outsider looking in.

They didn't handle the news well when I told them I was suspended from the team, but they were hopeful I could get my English grade up in time to play this Friday. And, with Becca's help, I was beginning to think it possible myself.

I would have to schedule another study session with her this week. Maybe one every single night. I smiled at the thought of spending more time with her alone, my mind entering that dangerous territory I tried so hard not to cross into.

I felt someone sit beside me and looked up, catching Jenny's eye as her face hovered too close to mine.

"Jen," I greeted her, shifting to my left and putting more space between us. This girl was practically trying to sit on my damn lap.

She pouted beside me as I moved away from her but quickly recovered her composure, smiling at me and wrapping her hand around my bicep.

"We missed you at the game on Friday, Brett." She said, her voice taking on that baby-tone she did every time she spoke to me. Why? Who knew. Girls always did that crap around me, I never understood it.

But Becca didn't. She was the only girl who treated me like a normal person, not some slab of meat they wanted to sleep with.

I grunted in response, my eyes scanning the cafeteria for the hundredth time as I looked for Becca. I moved my arm, satisfied when Jenny's hand fell off of it and back into her lap.

Jenny sighed beside me and I turned my attention to her. She was watching me intently, one eyebrow arched quizzically.

"You're looking for Becca, aren't you?" She asked, suddenly annoyed as she crossed her arms tightly over her chest.

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