Chapter 57: You're Mine

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"What about this?" I asked Cassie, gesturing to myself. I had on Brett's jersey and a pair of white shorts, even though the jersey hung to my mid-thighs and completely covered them.

Cassie sat on my bed with her legs crossed, eyes glued to the cellphone in her hand that she'd been obsessing over for the past hour.

"Cass," I repeated, emphasizing her name to no luck -- she didn't even look up. Who was she texting that had her grinning ear to ear?

With a huff, I walked to my bed and plucked the phone out of her hand.

"Hey!" She yelled, reaching outward to grab her phone. I held it further, out of reach. "I was using that." Her eyes narrowed as she watched me, annoyance heavy in her voice.

"Who are you texting?" I asked, waving the phone in the air in front of her face.

She paused, her eyes shifting to the floor before they met mine. "No one." Lie.

"Cassie," I warned. When she didn't respond, I clicked her phone on and watched the screen. This mystery-texter was bound to send another message any second.

"Becca! Please. Don't --"

Her phone lit up and my eyes widened in surprise as I saw the name flash onto the screen.


She was texting Parker?

I glanced between the phone to Cassie and back again. Her cheeks were red as she chewed on her nail nervously, shifting awkwardly on the bed. I opened my mouth to speak but nothing came out.

"I was going to tell you tonight ..." Her voice trailed off as I stared at her phone, Parker's name still flashing on the screen as he sent another text. "Are you upset?" She asked carefully.

"Upset?" I laughed, managing to find my voice as I tossed the phone onto the bed in front of her crossed legs. "Why would I be upset, Cass?" I joined her on the bed as she chewed on her lip thoughtfully.

"You two are friends," she replied after a moment, shrugging.

"I'm not upset. Confused -- maybe a little surprised. But not upset." I told her honestly. She let out a long breath then smiled, twirling a strand of her brown hair around her finger.

Cassie was always blabbering on about something. Seeing her sit there utterly speechless, flustered and embarrassed was, well, shocking.

"Tell me how this happened," I demanded, poking her arm. She giggled gleefully and tied her hair back into a ponytail before answering.

"He came into the pizza parlour last week ..." She replied, her voice trailing off as she stared at her hands, a small smile on her lips.

"And?" I pried, fulfilling my best friend duties and needing all the details.

Her eyes shone as they lifted up to mine. "The next day, he was there again. And the day after that. And the day after that," she whispered to her own disbelief.

"He must really love pizza," I joked. Cassie smacked my leg and I laughed, tossing a pillow at her.

"He's so sweet, Becca," she gushed, her face dreamy as she spoke about Parker. "He started dropping by every time I was on break to spend the hour with me."

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