Chapter 5: Game Day

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I stared at my reflection in the mirror, fidgeting nervously with the hem of the jersey.

"I don't know, Cass. Isn't this a little too much?"

Cassie had found an old Eastwood High Bears football jersey in her closet and insisted that I wear it to Brett's game tonight.

"I think you look cute!" She called out as she sat on the window seat in my room, tapping away on her phone.

When I told her about my plans to attend my first football game tonight, she demanded that she come over and help me get ready. It wasn't a big deal. I knew absolutely nothing about football and would spend the entire night watching from the stands with no clue what was actually going on.

But Brett wanted me there, so I would be there for him.

She set her phone aside and stood, stretching her arms over her head before walking towards me. "I think Brett will like seeing you in a jersey," she shrugged as she stood beside me, staring at my reflection in the full-length mirror.

She was right, Brett would love this because he loved football. I would wear it for him even if I didn't feel completely comfortable in it.

"Alright," I smiled, "I'll wear it." She threw her hands up in triumph before giving me a big hug.

"I'm excited for you, Becca. After what you've told me...I think your friendship with him is a good idea. Although," her eyes clouded over as her gaze wandered, "I don't think I would be able to be just his friend." Her gaze snapped back to me as she placed her hands on her hips. "I don't know how you're doing it."

Neither did I. After our first kiss in the hallway that day, I couldn't help but feel a connection between Brett and I. Every time he winked at me, held my hand or flashed me one of his dazzling smiles, I felt sparks shoot up inside me. Just thinking about it made me smile.

Thinking about him made me smile.

But Brett was clear at lunch the other day about what we were: friends. He needed a friend and after what he did for me, I could be that for him.

I would be one hell of a friend because he deserved that.

"He should be here soon," I commented, changing the subject. I opened my closet to fish out a pair of sneakers to wear, pondering what would happen on the big night ahead of me.

* * *


"Mom, I'm leaving!" I yelled out while walking down the stairs into the kitchen. Tonight was the first game of the season and I had to go pick up Becca. My face broke out into a smile as I remembered how triumphant I felt when she finally agreed to come watch me play.

I was excited for her to see me tonight. I pictured her screaming my name from the bleachers and I chuckled to myself. I would win this game for her. I had to.

I walked into the kitchen and saw my mother standing there, stirring milk into her coffee. My mother was a petite woman. Her brown hair framed her narrow face as she gazed downwards into her cup. She looked tired, the wrinkles etched into her eyes and forehead were more prominent than ever. Her blue eyes, an exact replica of mine, looked up at me and she smiled weakly.

She looked tired, but just as beautiful as ever.

"Be safe, Brett." She said quietly, her eyes full of sadness. I hated leaving her at home alone but I had no choice. She refused to come to my football games anymore. My games brought back too many happy memories of the days her and my father would come every Friday. They would sit in the stands hand in hand, watching their only son with pride. That was back when I loved football. Back when I loved my father.

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